Chapter 1

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Viktor woke up in a strange room. As he tried to bring one hand to his head, he realized his arms were tied to the armrests of the chair.
He never saw that place. The light was weak and it smelled like smoke and it seemed no one ever opened the window to ventilate the place.
One thing was sure: he was still in the Undercity.
He remembers walking his way back to Piltover, to reach the lab...

He was silently walking. Strangely there wasn't anyone outside on the streets. The sound of his steps and the crutch hitting the ground was echoing. He remembers the sensation of being followed. A bunch of strangers surrounded him. They said some phrases that seemed taken from a stage play, like: 'Well well... What's doing a poor cripple all alone in this part of the city?' Yeah, pathetic... That's what Viktor thought and then a sharp pain on his head and all went black....

And now he's here, in this sort of office. He looked around from the chair he was forced on. He saw the desk. There was a map on it, as long with books, registers of some kind and a lamp.
Behind the desk, a black large chair.
He moved his head to see a couch and a small table in the middle of the room.

As his eyes were travelling around the room, he heard the door open. He immediately looked that way.

《I heard my men have been kinda rude to you before bringing you here, I apologize for them...》

A tall man walked in and approached the desk. Viktor looked at him as he stepped closer. He was pale with dark hair. One side of his face marked by a huge scar. The blue in his right eye contrasted the black on the other one. The man slowly took his sit behind the desk, finally watching Viktor in the eyes.
Viktor felt a shiver down his spine in that moment. Those eyes looked so cold and merciless... Scary.
It took him a few seconds to finally open his mouth.

《Who are you?》

He asked. The man didn't answer. He leaned on his chair. There wasn't need for an answer, Viktor knew exactly who he was. There's one man everyone feared down here. A crime lord that filled the streets with shimmer nowadays.
And yet he asked, maybe with the hope he wasn't who he thought he was.

《You know... There's nothing about you before your admission to the Academy... You are from Zaun too, am I right?》

Of course. Silco had eyes and ears everywhere in the Undercity, and Piltover too. If he wanted some informations he just had to snap his fingers. And yet Viktor didn't understand...

《What do you want from me?》

His voice was as calm and steady as possible.

《That's not about what I want from you, Viktor...》

He started. The blood froze in Viktor's veins as he heard the man call his name for the first time.

《It's what some people are willing to give in order to have you back.》

Then he realized. Hiw did he not understand before? It wasn't about him. It's Jayce he wants to harm...
He tightened the grip on he armrests at the thought.
Of course Silco knew they were partners. He wonders how much he knows about it tho...

《You see, things are not going well up there...》

He pointed the roof as he was saying that. Viktor couldn't know about the blockade and everything that was going on since he left to "see a friend who could help", as he told to Jayce...

《I'm like the wolf... I just need to blow to destroy the straw house.》

Viktor gulped. Was the situation so unstable?
He had to appear calm, not showing a inch of worry, he thought. He trusted Jayce. Of course he did.

《Jayce is smart enough to build a house with concrete and bricks...》

He replied, looking at Silco in the eyes. The man looked at him surprised, but scoffed right after.

Is he?...

He asked as he got up from his chair. It was rhetorical, he didn't need an answer. Or that's what Viktor hoped. Because he didn't know how to reply to that.

《I'm sure that when it comes to you, he won't think twice on what to do.》

He moved from the desk and walked towards the door, followed by Viktor's eyes. When Silco opened it, a man was standing there. Viktor recognised him. He was the guy of the cheap stageplay phrase.

《Don't get mad at me Viktor... But if I show Jayce your face without even a small bruise, he won't take me seriously...》

He said leaving the room, telling the man to not go too hard on him. He nodded.
Viktor couldn't deny he was a bit scared when the man locked the door behind him, once his boss left....


~ To be Continued ~

A/N: I know this is a bit shorter than my usual chapters, but this is just the first part of it êvê
If it takes me more than three chapters to finish this story, I'll write a separated book for it :)

Hope you enjoyed, I'm sorry for this ending but I can't torture my precious boy TvT

Ps: the rating could change as I write the next part, who knows... (in the end, it will be based on the whole story)

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