Chapter 2: "A formal meeting."

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"Your just on time, Will." Dr Lecter spoke, gesturing for Will to sit down in one of the two arm chairs in his office. "It's my apologies. I came a bit early, but I haven't been waiting to long." Will sighed, taking off his jacket and resting it on the rack right beside the door. Will took his time, airing out his shirt nervously before walking over to sit himself down. "It's truly not a problem at all. Your my last patient
Of the night, so I usually expect you."  Will nodded, shifting in his seat. "What were we speaking about in our last session?" Hannibal raised one of his defined eyebrows, as he asked Will. Will paused, adjusting his glasses as they slid to the tip of his nose. He was to  lazy to put in his contacts that night. "I was,, talking about my hallucinations. I was meaning to bring something up about-" "Let me guess Will, Hobbs?" Hannibal cut him off. "Yes, but no." Will replied unsure. He wasn't sure if he should be concerned that the other knew already. But since Hannibal was his physiatrist, he should be able to sense that kind of stuff well. That's what he thought at least. "It's about Abigail's father. I,, know it's still an ongoing case, but- I see him." Hannibal had now sat himself down, and had already started writing down in a small notepad in under the few seconds he had started talking. Hannibal would simply just nod, already engulfed on writing whatever down. Will occasionally looked up, simply to look at what expression Dr Lecter's face was making. And to no surprise Will saw the same face he always saw. The same, off putting expression. With a slight pause in his thought, he sighed before resuming his speaking. "I,, usually can feel this kind of, overwhelming presence. And some times, I see him. But- not alive. I see him exactly as like when I shot him in his house. The,, nine bullet wounds I inflicted still visible. His pupils white as all fucking day. And,, pale skin." He looked back to to see Hannibal still writing. He soon looked up from his note pad, and nodded at Will. "I see. Does he say anything to you?" Will shook his head. "No, he never says anything. He just kind of,, stares I guess." He shrugged his shoulders weakly, leaning back on the chair as he closed his eyes for a moment. The whole situation stressed him out. The whole ordeal of it all, and the fact Abigail Hobbs was still in the hospital, and unknown of her survival rate. He knew that as soon as the case got closed, the hallucinations would stop. Hopfully. "Will, I would have to bring up the fact, have you ever contemplated the fact this could have to do something with your,, sub conscious mind?" Will huffed at that. "Of course I already know that,, I just- want to understand how I can stop it." Will groaned after his response, stress building up inside him. He knew that Dr Lecter would be able to help him, but he honestly had lost his hope on that kind of stuff anymore. Hell, he couldn't even look his physiatrist in the eyes when he spoke to him. He wasn't sure what made him so nervous around him, it was different from how he felt when around Alana, or Jack. And that's a weird fact, saying Crawford was much more intimidating in qualities. Will never felt nervous around Alana though. As for a long time, Alana was the only person who genuinely worried about his well being. But now he didn't only have her, he had Sombody who could 'professionally' help him. And even if he wanted it or not. Through Will's train of thought, Hannibal had fully gotten back up from his chair. He had walked over to Will, and now stood right in front of his chair. Will was looking down, and only noticed Hannibal's loafers. Before he could think, Will spoke again. "Ah- I'm sorry. I got lost in my train of thought, Dr." He glanced back up, to see Hannibal staring down at him. He seemed to inspect the other, his eyebrow raised. "It's coming to my conclusion Will.. I'm going to ask you a question." Will bit the side of his cheek as he nodded his head very slowly as Hannibal spoke. "Do you blame yourself, Will?" Hannibal asked sternly. "..What?" Will seemed to be caught off guard by that question. It was true, sure. But it was something Will would like to deny if Somebody asked. "Do you blame yourself..?" The physiatrist repeated himself. Will took a deep breath, mustering up the courage to look up fully at Hannibal. "That,, depends. Could you be more specific?" Will replied cockily. Hannibal would kneel down, getting down to the height where Will sat. This made it much easier for Hannibal to stare into Will's eyes. Eye contact was a big thing, especially when trying to get an answer out of somebody. Years in studies of phycology really got put to good use. In, and out of office. "Abigail. Abigail Hobbs? Do you blame yourself about her?" Hannibal rephrased the question, even though he understood that Will was trying to avoid the question entirely by going the cocky route. Will seemed to tense up, his posture straightening when he heard the question. He knew and expected him to say that,, but the words sliced through him like a sharp kitchen knife. 'And quite literally.' Hannibal stayed in the same squatting position, intently waiting for a response from the younger man. ",,I try not to let it effect me. It's no good worrying about things that you cannot control. And- Id know that. It effects the work I do, and I don't want it to get in the way of the current cases. But,, then again, yes. I outta beat myself the hell out of it." He sighed, rubbing a hand over his face as he spoke frustratedly. "I'd think your frustrated about the whole situation aswell,, like. Whoever started this. It's,, an ongoing thought." Wow Will, how un knowing of you. "Yes,, it's a shame that the FBI is yet to figure it out. Though, I'm sure it won't be that hard to track down. I worry to, just as much as you do, Will. Abigail is a nice young lady. I wouldn't want anything further to happen to her." Hannibal had comfortingly rested a hand on the top of one of Wills. His was much bigger and course in size. Will didn't bother to jerk his hand away or anything,, to overwhelmed of his thoughts to even mind. In that moment, Will lifted his head back up. Eyes meeting Hannibal's, they seemed to stare at each other for a solid six seconds. Will had never really looked at Hannibal that closely till now, but it really got him a very good picture of how well kept the other was. His light almond brown eyes seemed to almost pierce his soul, and look to the back of his head. Hannibal was,, surprisingly nice looking. It was out of the ordinary for Will to even think of something like that about another Male, but it was definitely a thought that popped up. He couldn't help but keep staring into his physiatrist's eyes, they somewhat mesmerized him, pulling him into a sort of trance. He must of sat there in silence for a while before he snapped back to reality. Hannibal had let go of his hand fully, to look at his watch. This put Will in a slight moment of recoil, trying to grasp onto anything so he could process what had just happened. One second he was talking to Dr Lecter, and then another second he felt only to be inches away from his goddamn face. Hell knows what he would of done if he didn't snap out of it. I don't think he wanted to know either. Hannibal abruptly stood back up, gesturing for Will. Hannibal has also been taken back a bit from the ordeal, it felt a bit foreign to him whenever a kind of intimate moment happened between somebody of such peculiar interest. Hannibal had taken a liking to Will since he spotted him with Jack the very day he met him. The male seemed to just, awake a burning fire, and fuel it inside of Hannibal. Will was the exact thing to continue his work. He could strive for Will, to simply be his enemy, or if situation gone 'wrong', intimacy between the two. Hannibal nor Will would accept this though, not yet. "Will, I seem to need and pack up now. I appreciate your company much greatly though." Hannibal said, trying to break the silence himself. "It would be best if you get going. You can call me later tonight if you would like to further discuss." Will nodded, seemingly quick to get up from his chair. He started to head to the door, not wasting any time. He took his coat off the rack in a swift motion, throwing it back on. Hannibal watched from the small distance, a small smirk soon growing on his petite and fine jaw and facial structure. Will was about to leave when he turned his head. "By the way, Dr. Would you like to come with me to see Abigail again? I would think she'd like your company along with mine.." Hannibal smiled, but behind it all was the sinister intent of a pure psychopath. "Yes, of course."

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