Chapter 3: "Misfit"

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Will Graham had awoken early morning, 6:00 exact. He had awoken in a cold sweat as he usually did each night. That night before, he laid awake by the figure of a large, deer like monster. It stood in his doorway for several minutes, seemingly peering over Will. The 'deer' had glowing white orbs for eyes, and seemly almost appeared as a shadow, a mist coming off of it as if glided around the room.  The figure didn't seem to attack Will at all though, it didn't even seem to have any murderous intent. Even if it did, Will had snapped out of it due to the buzz of his phone alarm. It was 6:00. His usual time he awoke. He rubbed a hand over his sweaty face with a light groan coming from his lips. He felt disgusting. He was drenched in sweat, and didn't look presentable in the slightest. The 'Port Haven Psychiatric facility' Opened at 8:00, so he had just enough time to shower and have a cup of coffee. Throwing on a fresh shirt, he slowly walked into the living room. All his dogs were sound asleep still. But of course, Winston sat up in his bed, head cocked to the side. Will smiled. "Cmere Win," He patted his knees, to signal the misfit dog over. Winston perked up, waddling over to his owner. The dog stood beside Will, licking his hand happily, tail wagging. "Such a good boy. How come your awake so early? This is usually when I wake up for work," He chuckled to himself, giving Winston a small pat on his furry head. The dog would give him a small 'woof' in response. "Im gonna get ready now, I'll feed you lil guys when I get outta the shower." He lightly smiled. Pivoting his foot, he turned so he could walk to the bathroom. As he walked, he smoothly took off his sweaty shirt and shorts. Stepping out of them, he'd close the bathroom door. Will scratched the stubble on his chin in the mirror. "God, I look horrible,," He sighed.


Will stood in his bathrobe on the front porch, hot coffee in his favorite 'Fishing 4 life' mug.
Taking a sip, he'd watch his 7 dogs wander around in the grass. A small smile planted on his face as he watched Winston come back first. Winston was always different from the other dogs,, that's why he loved him so much. It somewhat reminded him of himself. A bit of a loner, just like him. He gave him another pat on the head before the rest of the dogs bee lined back to the house. "Alright, Cmon." He opened up the screen door for the dogs to come back inside. When all the dogs got inside safely, he walked back in as well, checking his phone as he walked in. Hannibal was gonna pick him up soon so they could visit Abigail. He better get dressed. Quickly, he got back into his room rummaging through his drawers to find something semi presentable to wear. He threw on a blue plaid button up, and some black work jeans. Not the best, but it would work. He threw it on, buttoning it up quickly. He most literally only had his wardrobe consisting of plaid shirts, and dirty jeans. I mean, FBI agents let alone an unofficial one didn't have to look like a goddamn superstar. Will would walk back into the bathroom, adjusting his belt. Opening up the small container that held his contacts, he gently put them both in. He blink a couple of time to let them set before closing the case. He put the contact case to the side, and washed his hands. It was now 6:58, and Hannibal would be arriving any moment now. Will almost found it amusing to think about what kind of car he had. He couldn't picture a van, or even a sports car. The entire vibe Dr Lecter brought off really gave Will a, 'horse bound carriage' feel. And it wasn't a long shot when you thought about it. Will finished off his coffee, setting the dirty mug in his overflowed sink. Alana usually would have to come over and clean Will's dishes with him, he tended to slack off on that job, and Alana was mostly the only one who could convince him to. Though, he wasn't sure if that was because he had a crush on her or if he just needed the motivation. He shrugged the thought off, opening a few cabinets in the kitchen. It one of the cabinets laid the food he gave to his dogs. It was a 'heart healthy' brand. Though it probably wasn't, that shit is always for the marketing. He poured a small portion for a few of the dogs, and large ones for the other, bigger sized dogs. One good bowl was left empty though. Will put the kibble away, and walked to his fridge. On top of some fresh produce laid leftovers from the night before.
He took a foam box, taking it to the last food bowl. He scooped the contents inside of it, into the last bowl. It was not surprise this bowl was for Winston. The little specialty dog. After he laid out each of the bowls, he would go grab his Visitor ID off the side table with a hum. He spun it around his finger with the key ring it was attached to. A glance in his peripheral vision was just enough to look out his window. A Bentley drove up into his gravel driveway. The car came to a halt, the drivers door opening. There coming out of the car was a dirty blonde, fairly tall man. Well presented as always. He wore a plaid suit, with a tie that matched it very well. Hannibal was very coordinated with his outfits, Will had to admit. It was much better then he could do. Hence his sweat stained button ups, and dirty knee jeans. Will would lightly wave all his animals goodbye, and giving Winston one last special head pat for good measure, before turning to unlock the door. He closed it behind him, locking it with the key connected to the ID. With a tired smile,
Will waved at Hannibal.
He took the steps down off the porch approaching him. "Good morning, Dr Lecter." His smile widened a bit as he approached. Hannibal did his iconic side smile, adjusting his tie on the side mirror of his Bentley. "A good morning to you, Will." He turned to him, clasping his hands together gently in a formal greeting. "Shall we get going? The hospital should open in,, about ten minutes." Hannibal asked. "Yeah,  thank you for bringing your car. I'm glad it wasn't a bother-" Graham replied a bit awkwardly. He always found it somewhat awkward to talk to Hannibal, but it a somewhat comforting way, if that makes sense. Now that he thought about it,
No. It really didn't make sense. Will got into the passenger seat of the car, instantly getting hit with the sent of a strong, most likely expensive, cologne. It smelt of pine wood and ember. Along with some kind of herbs Will probably couldn't name. Will sat back in his seat, putting on the seatbelt as he waited for Hannibal to start the car. As Will expected, the car was very clean. It seemed to be brand new by its appearance on the inside, and outside. The emblem in the center of the steering wheel still shined in the Virginia sun, the leather seats still smelled strong and fresh, and the presence felt nice in general. It was what you were to expect from Hannibal. It's like the same thing when you think of Will, versus Hannibal eating McDonald's. Clearly one is more, easy to picture..  It's  not like Will couldn't help the taste of McDonald Fish Fillets, it's good shit. As he once protested in the forsenics lab at the FBI, and had been arguing with Jimmy Price about it. Jack wasn't happy that day after a 30 minute argument over a decomposed corpse. That obviously isn't important though. Hannibal had started the car, the engine quickly roaring to life. He didn't know how Hannibal did it, but he somehow still looked so fancy, even when driving a damn car. Get your kind out of the gutter Will, this isn't the time,, Or so he thought.

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