Chapter 4: "Silence"

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Hannibal and Will quietly drove to the hospital. A long moment of silence shared between them. Will didn't want to speak, speaking made him more nervous then he already was. The closer they got to the hospital the stronger the feeling got. Down in his gut, all the way up to his forehead. The drive was an hour long, as Will lived on the more country side of Virginia. It had merely taken Hannibal an hour let alone to get to Will's house in the first place. Will Placed his elbow on the edge of the windowsill, watching the countryside pass by. It was still fairly early in the morning meaning the gravel roads were still pretty empty. The most you really saw were a few people in their pick up trucks, driving to work, or bucking things into the back trunk in their front yards. Will soon turned his head away from the window to turn on the radio. He put it on very quietly in order not to disturb Hannibal's driving. He had put on the local news station, hearing the voice of a young woman coming from it. He immediately listened into the broadcast. It touched on the usual topics for the morning, like the forecast, what was just the same cold weather present from the past week. Boring shit honestly. With a small huff, Will would turn the radio back off. He was nervous, shifting in his seat a bit. He thought the radio would flood away his thoughts, but it didn't. It would of if the broadcaster didn't mention the word 'Hobbs' in one of her sentences. He wasn't sure why, but it must of been the thought of seeing Abigail, or the chance something could happen to her. It was similar to the same feeling he had when he saw her the first time after Garret Jacob Hobb's attack. 'Your the one who killed my dad.' Those words, no matter how malicious Garret Jacob Hobbs was, hurt and shook Will to his core. He knew that Abigail was just a young girl that didn't deserve anything she had experienced. And her loosing both of her parents must of raised that so much more, criminals or not. The feeling he had whenever he looked at Abigail, was pure guilt. Guilt of the fact he may of ruined Abigail's life more than it would of been before. He hated thinking about it. He hated thinking that it was his fault. But it was, It genuinely was, but Will had to keep denying that to himself to keep him going. Maybe if he didn't stop at the front steps and waste all that time, it would of been possible Abigail's neck wouldn't of been slashed. Head in his hands, Will sighed lightly. He must of not meant to do it so loudly, as Hannibal turned his attention to Will as they made it to a red light. Will only noticed him in his peripheral   Vision, looking at him. Will simply pretended he didn't see him. Hannibal knew he was looking though, he always knew. "Will?" Hannibal broke the silence in the air, other then the echoed noises of the engine going throughout the car. Will closed his eyes. He had no choice but to speak now, didn't he? With a small huff, Will looked over at him. "Huh,,Yeah?" Will mumbled. Shit, that sounded bitchy, didn't it? Hannibal gave him a small reassuring smile. "I can tell your nervous, you can't hide that, Will." Dr Lecter said, turning his attention back to the Bentley's steering wheel. Will should of known better then to try and mask it from Dr Lecter. Psychiatrists can process physical, and mental mannerism much more easily then the average eye. Will knew this, he was aware of Hannibal's knowledge, but yet again, he still tried to hide it. Will chuckled nervously in a way to calm himself. "Hah,, yeah, I know. I guess I'm just scared to see Abigail." He glanced back over at Hannibal who had his attention fully back on driving. He was definitely still listening though, processing everything Will had to say. "I understand that. But I can assure you, that Abigail will be delighted by me, and your company." Hannibal calmly stated. "I hope so.
That's why I asked you to come with me." Hannibal may or may not be a way of Will to have emotional support if necessary. He wasn't gonna tell Hannibal that either, straight forward in that fact. If Hannibal already knew that, that wasn't his problem. "I know the kind of nervousness you have.
Trust me, I've had it as well. We all have times the nervousness forms and just, seems to not go away. I would assume your having that problem with Abigail, and the Hobbs family in general." Hannibal seemed to lecture Will, like he did during their sessions. Though luckily on Will's part, not as much eye contact. And Will was perfectly fine by that. He'd prefer it any day. The next time Will had peered out the window of the Bentley, seeing the country side had completely faded into the small local city of Virginia. More known as where the hospital Abigail stayed at was located. Will didn't tend to go out in the city much, really only for work at the FBI, and the occasional morning out with Jack Crawford to get coffee at a small cafe. But other then that, he stayed away from the city as much as possible. He didn't like how loud it was there.
The smell of cigarette butts and 'certain' drugs was fond to him. But that wasn't important, but it did atleast take away his thought about The Hobbs. He should probably stick to that, though un professional. The thought of random unnecessary things helped, for a momentary time in that matter. He must of been in his own thoughts for a moment, before he felt the collision of the car breaks. He opened his eyes, glancing at the windshield. They had arrived.

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