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First day of the second semester of high school. Why do I even come here. I put in my head phones and started blasting my favorite it's song.

I've always wished to make a remix of this song, never have the motivation too. I had just heard some news that the most talented cheerleader quit because "it was to rough" Man, I'd quit on the first day. "LILY-" I heard my name being shout. "ITS ME!! DAD!" Why is my dad here!!! UGH! This is not how I planned it. Why does it have to be him and not Ester. After standing there poking down for a minute, I look up and turned around. I was blushing, this was embarrassing. "Dad.. what are you doin' here? At school??" He was holding a note. I speed walked to him, snatching it (gently and kindly) out of his veiny hand. I read it out loud, but everyone heard. "Dear my Lily Billy, please read this out loud. My angel, the one I've adored for 14 years is finally a teenage girl. Your beautiful and I miss you everyday. I'm sorry I left, I tried communicating with you but your mom threw away my notes.. didn't she? Anyway, I wanted to give you this in person so your evil witch mom didn't rip it up this time. I love you, L.B. !" I teared up and hugged him, though everyone was laughing I felt as if I was the main character. I love my dad, I hate my mom though. He handed me flowers and said he is taking me for a daddy/daughter date to Wendy's. He still remembered my favorite fast-food restaurant. Wow, I missed my dad more than it seems. The first and last memory I had of him (before he came to my school) was him taking me to a soccer game.. we were still a happy family then. Until my mom cheated on him with Micheal Dubbè. He treated us like trash but you know what? My mother, the person who ALLOWED this Dumb Dubbè person into our house, still ALLOWED him to live there even after he did horrible things to me, my siblings, our mom, and our cute little puppy. I wish I could change the past sometimes.

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