xxxvi. 𝐄𝐥𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤?

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Malia yelling woke Eli up

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Malia yelling woke Eli up. He gasped, sitting up quickly. He'd expected Malia to be next to him, to be right there. But she wasn't. In fact, he was alone, in familiar tunnels that brought nothing but panic to him. "Malia!"

Eli shot up quickly, follow her heartbeat before crashing behind a sheet of plastic, laying his eyes on Malia, who was strapped down, with some form of goggles on her eyes, bleeding. "Malia!"

Theo caught him before he could run at her. Eli tried to fight against him, but Theo had been stronger and more advance. "Let me go! What are you doing to her?"

"It's gonna help her find The Desert Wolf!" Theo shouted back at him, attempting to pin him to one of the tunnels, but Eli was strong as well, and he was shoving. "It's how the Dread Doctors kept sight of the chimera. It's how they watched you before I saved you!"

"Always find a way to bring that up, don't you?" Eli asked, Theos hands tight around his wrist as he kept fighting, eyes burning a golden shade as Malia panted in pain. "Don't you see that you're hurting her?"

"I found her! Let me go!" Malia was yelling, Theo turning back quickly as he finally let Eli go. The boy pushed past him, undoing the restrains Theo had her in while he yanked the goggles off her eyes. Malia leaned over in pain, gasping and groaning as Eli caught her from falling.

"Malia? Hey. Malia. Just try to breath." Eli tried to calm her down, but it was clear she was in a lot of pain. Eli leaned down to look at the marks around her eyes. They were healing, but it didn't dissolve the internal torture she felt. Eli grasped her hand. "Please work."

He squeezed his eyes shut, holding onto Malias hand tightly. Theo blinked in surprise when Eli's veins darkened to a black shade, a groan leaving his lips as his head went backward, taking what he could before Malia released his hand to stop it. Theo blinked. "Holy shit. You know how to do that?"

Eli caught his breath, leaning on Malia slightly. "I do now."

Malia reached back to rub his back. "I know where she is. She's in Beacon Hills."

"Okay, you can just wait here. It's totally gross in there, and girls aren't suppose to go in anyways. And obviously I'm not gross like those other guy, definitely not. But, just in case, i'll g-" Eli rambled on, being cut off by Malia walking into the boys locker room first. "Okay, you go first. That's cool, too."

Eli followed her quickly as a few of the boys looked in shock. Thankfully, Malia found Liam quickly. He gave Eli a weird look, getting the same one in return before Malia started to talk. "I need you to tell Scott something for me."

"Yeah, uh, why me?" Liam looked around alarmingly.

"Look away, dude!" Eli jabbed a finger at one of the boys staring their way. "It's not nice to stare."

He pulled his sweater vest when it felt like it was choking him, looking back to Liam as Malia went on. "Because I can't right now and Eli is also busy with me. You gonna do it or not?"

𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒| Malia TateWhere stories live. Discover now