Chapter 5 request

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Chapter 5
"I'll be fine......eventually —" she whispers to tsuande ."I have something to say,"she says. Tsuande looks at jiraya in confusion. Naruko closes her eyes and exhales. " Hokage-sama I would like to make a request," she said with her head bowing. Tsunade eyes widen in curiosity and wariness, after all this is the first time that naruko ever talks to her formally. "Speak, chunin!" she commands. " with the approval of my master I would like to request joining the Anbu black ops," silence for a moment takes over the place. "And why have you both come to that decision, " she asks. " Right now hokage-same I need all the trainings and techniques I could get. If I want to defeat and protect myself from the Akatsuki. I have to be skilled and knowledgeable. I know that in order be in the anbu black ops you have to be skilled. I'm not asking for a leeway. I will prove my worth in order to get this rank. I am not being arrogant I am just confident in my skills. So fifth hokage 'I chunin Naruko Uzumaki request to fight one of your best black ops agent," naruko asks while bowing her head. Tsuande looks towards jiraya with shock written all over her face. Tsuande gather herself and smirks "very well uzumaki, but since we cannot let anyone know that you are here, we would of course have to do very carefully. That fight will take place in an hour. Naruko put your hood back on. I'm deactivating the silencing seal."

"Tora, Monkey!" Taking a knee with their right fist in the ground. " Hokage-sama!" "Monkey go find Commander Dragon and tell him to immediately report to training ground zero. Bird you will report to training ground zero and await for further instruction. Dismiss." " Yes, hokage-sama!" Tsuande turns on the silencing seal. " Ba-Chan may I request one more thing," naruko asks while staring at Tsuande. "Go ahead brat." " May I bury haruki in Kohana grounds,"she ask while taking a deep bow. Tsunade eyes soften. "You don't even have to ask naruko," she says. Naruko takes out the scroll that hold haruki's body. "Before we do the burial... I know we said we can't tell anyone that I am back but I would like for ino to take a look into his memory. I need to know who it was that killed him. I know it was someone from the Akatsuki, but I just need to know who it was. I probably won't have peace of mind if I didn't know who was responsible for his death. And if haruki's killer does come after me I want to be prepared. I don't want to lose myself to my anger when I am battle when they reveal who killed him. I won't ever again fight blindly. And I can't always relay in luck. So do you agree," naruko asks. "I agree, we are going to need the information," Tsuande says and jiraya nods along with the idea. " we still have an hour before we have to go to trading ground zero, so I'll call ino through the messenger bird and tell her to report to the hokage tower." Jiraya and naruko nod.

****knock knock knock

" May I come in hokage-sama," ino asks. "Yes, ino you may enter and close the door." The silencing immediately activate and ino notices jiraya and a person standing next to him wearing cloak preventing her from seeing who it was.

"You called hokage-says," ino questions. "Yes, ino although you are still a chunin what im about to tell you is an S- rank secret. Do you understand what im saying chunin!" Tsunade says In Her commander voice. " Yes, Tsunade-sama," ino exclaims with nervousness. Tsunade makes a gesture for naruko to take off her hood.
"What's up Ino-chan," naruko says. "Naruko," ino yells in suprise. "Your finally back. I have so mu—," naruko interrupts what Ino was about to say. "Sorry to interrupt Ino but we can catch up later." Naruko takes out the scroll her hand clutching the scroll close to her heart. "Ino-Chan I know we may not have been the closest when we were in Kohana, but I do consider you as someone precious to me. So I trust you." Naruto shows ino the scroll. " A body is sealed in here. This person was very precious to me Ino. So I'm asking you can you look into his memory and tell me what exactly happened to him, and who killed him. "  Ino's eyes widen in shock. Just who is the person that is in the scroll that makes the most unpredictable kunochi to make such a vulnerable face. "Of course, naruko," she says. " I have a private room over here. Since we can't let anyone else know that naruko is here I suggested we do this in a more private area." They all agree.

A few minutes later

      Naruko puts the scroll in the floor and makes a hands sign to unseal the scroll.  Tsuande and Ino eyes widen when they see the man. "He is a very handsome boy, naruko," Tsuande tells naruko. Naruko smile gently " yeah, he is," she says softly. Ino eyes widen. "Naruko—— was he your lover," ino asks with a gentle voice. "Yeah he was my lover and my fiancé," she reveals. Ino face is then filled with even more determination. Ino slowly walks towards the grieving woman and sit on her knees. " I being looking through his memory." Ino touches the mans head  ' memory transfer jutsu '. Ino body slumps. Ino goes to the memory of death. Which will only show her two days worth of memory before his death. Inos ' mind is then filled with scenes and words. Since she still has not mastered  her family's Justsu. She Will still make dam sure that she gets answers for naruko!  Then Ino is hit by a certain scene in the mans memory. 'Zetsu ' it was the person called himself as. Ino then sees the 'zetsu' perosn wearing a cloak that have  red clouds. Ino minds clicks and she realizes who killed Narukos lover. It was the 'Akastuki'. Ino decides to sto there. The scene changes and she realizes this scene is narukos and the mans last moment. Ino decides to stop their, she does not want to intrude in narukos last moments with her fiancé. Ino goes back into her body. Ino grabs naruko and sign 'memory-transfer' she passes all the information she found to naruko. Naruko clenches her teeth in rage after she got the information. " I see," she says. "Thank you Ino-Chan," naruko bows with watery eyes. "It's no problem at all naruko. You are my friend and I will always be here if you ever need anything." Ino tells naruko. Ino proceeds to also show jiraya and Tsuande the memory. Jiraya's hands ball into a fist and his eyes narrow. It's seems Akastuki are starting to make their moves. Jiraya moves towards naruko and says " Do you want to bury him now," he asks softly. " Yes," she says quietly. "I would like to join you Naruko," ino says with a gentle smile. " I would appreciate that Ino."

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