how it started:

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i thought it was a normal tuesday, but oh how wrong i was, my mother and little brother had gone to town, and my older sister Laila and my dad were off doing god knows what, latly Laila had been spending alot of time with dad, and she had been egnoring me, i dont know why though. my phone went off, and i picked it up to see what the notification was about,

From; Coach Stacy~~ our team meeting has been cancled today, so you dont have to come to back to the feild at 5, we'll plan it for next week,

it red

[yes! i get to stay home! i might even get t hang out with Laila when she and dad get home] i thought wistfuly,

"hey Patrick!" i called and almost instantly, our butler was standing next to my open door, staring at me patiently, "you can tell clyd he doesn have to give me a ride back to school today, my team meeting got canceled," i explaind and he nodds slowly,

"of coars ma'am," he said, "is there anything else?"

"no, but thank you Patrick!' i said happily as i jumped off my bed, he simply nodded and walked off,

we lived in a pretty big house i guess,18 bedrooms, and 7 bathrooms, (no counting the hired helps living courters) we had a maid, a butler, a driver, a chief, a body gard, and my dad had an assistent. i never once thought about were it all came from, i never once questioned, where do we get our money? oh what a fool i was, i mean i was only a junier in high school, but still, i should have had more comon sense,

as i romed around my room cleaning random items, humming to mysef, i heard the front door close abruptly from down stairs.

[ooh! Laila and Dad are home! haha! they dont know i didnt have to go back to school today, so ill go sneek up and scare them!]i thought excidedlt as i crept down the stairs towards my dads office, were him and Laila had retreated, i could hear them talking to each other loudly, and just as i was about to run in and yell boo, i heard my sister yell,

"yeah?!! well maybe i dont want to be the Fucking queen!!"she yelled

my head shot up curiously [what the hell is she talking about? queen? and why is she yelling? ae they arguing?] i thought trying to eavs drop,

"dont raise you voice at me young lady!" my dad belowed back, in suck a terrifing voice, i had never heard him sound so mad, "your the one how decided to do this! you decided to take the brunt of it to protect that litttl bitch you call a sister!" he said in a dangerouse low voice,

i took a shocked step back, [w-what? is he talking about m-me? ] my chest rose and fell dramaticly as his words seemed to rip my heart out, [i thought he loved me?!] i was about to run in there and say somthin when suddenly, i herd a loud slap,

"you dont get to talk back to me, and you dont get to complain, becuse you agreed to this, for that little whores life, remember!?!" my dad yelled, he was yelling so loud, that my ears stated to ring,  "if you dont want me to beet her too, you better get back in line and shut the hell up!"

[beet her too?] i suddenly thought, just then i peeked arround to see my sister on her knees, holding her cheek, my father had hit my sister, i was shocked, and thats when i made a huge mistake, i let a small gasp leave my mouth, before i could run, or even think, my fathers head snaped up, and his evil eyes, made contact with mine, i had never seen a look so scary in his eyes before,

" Suzanna....get your ass in here." he damanded in a cool, dark  tone, making my shkin crawl with fear,

my sisters head shot over in my direction, and instently tears filled her eyes,

"no...." she wispered, "please dont hurt her."

my dad just laughed evily, as i slowly took two steps closer to them. my dad becme inpatient, and suddenly, walked up to me, before i could run, i felt him grab onto my hair, and suddnly my scalp burned, as he draged me back over to my sister, who was yelling somthing at him, i couldnt hear what she was saying though, he threw me down on the floor, next to Lidia and i crumpled up next to her, holding onto my scalp, that felt like it was on fire, and i had tears of pain and fear running down my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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