➪ Chapter 2

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9 months ago, i completely forgot about the black haired boy who had fox like eyes that i saw in the cafe. 

i remember what i felt that day. school was over and i scored the highest in our class for the maths exam.

if i met you sooner, you would've congratulated me so many times and tell me how proud you were.

instead of treating myself fancy meals, i decided to go to the same cafe where i first saw you.

the moment i entered the cafe, the aroma of coffee being brewed and pastries quickly infiltrated my nostrils.

i ordered my usual and took a seat.

everything at that moment felt so surreal when you entered the cafe a few minutes later, wearing a black hoodie.

i didn't expect to meet you again, in the same cafe.

has it really been a month ?

i remember how regretful i felt when i left the cafe without approaching you.

perhaps this time, i'll muster up the courage to.

you sat at the same place and the waiter handed you your order without needing to tell them what you wanted.

was it also an iced americano ?

it felt like deja vu seeing you do the same thing.

in a month, people can change but oddly enough i was glad that you still seemed the same.

an hour passed by and you ordered a cheesecake. when the waiter approached you carrying the small plate with a slice of cheese cake you ordered, you stopped browsing through your phone and took the plate and spoon that he was about to place down. you gave him a small smile but it seemed so genuine because of how your eyes looked.

you looked so excited to eat it, perhaps cheese cake was your favorite and so I jotted it down on my mind. taking a small spoonful, you ate the cheese cake and you did a small dance. cute.

if only you knew how much my body was itching to approach you and how fast my heart was beating whenever i tried to stand up and walk up to you.

what if you'd react the same just like how you acted like last month with the girl who approached you ?

but what if you don't.

i remember how i felt at that moment. it was almost as if approaching you right then was the perfect opening.

if only i could delete every what ifs i had.

without thinking about my concerns anymore, i casually walked up to you.

i remember my heart beating fast with every step i took. why was i so nervous ?

i hate making the first move but because of your first impression on me from afar made me want to befriend you.

without realizing, i was already at your table. standing there.

i looked like a complete idiot, thinking about it.

if only you knew how much of a fool i'd become when we started to get close a few months later.

do you remember the way you reacted ?

you looked so confused and cute especially because of how you tiled your head asking me if i needed something from you. your voice sounded so soothing, it was deep yet soft and it sounded so endearing.

i wondered how i'd react if you said my name.

i would have felt giddy at that moment.

you stared at me, waiting for a response.

first thing i asked was your name so straightforwardly, thinking out loud. i hope i didn't creep you out at that time and made a bad first impression of myself. instead of being freaked out, your facial expression showed otherwise.

"Leon August." was all you said.

you showed me a warm, small smile.

at that moment, the reason why i was being so nervous just completely went away. that time, we kept eye contact as you told me your name.

your eyes.

even your eyes gave me warmth and i could see the whole galaxy in them. the stars in your eyes shines the brightest amongst all those other stars out there.

thank you. thank you, because you continued to be the warmth in my winter.

you didn't change a bit since our first encounter, you warmed my heart and gave me comfort especially when no one was there.

you became my comfort person and my home.

you've always made me feel welcomed.

especially during that time when i first approached you, you told me to take a seat across you.

you didn't seem uncomfortable or weirded out at all, i felt as if i had accomplished an achievement.

i remember how much i enjoyed talking to you that time. i expected us to talk for minutes but it turned into hours.

those were the best few hours of my life at that time.

you managed to make me laugh, who knew you were so good at telling jokes ? hahahaha. most of them were way too corny though.

amidst of all the problems i went through. only you can make me feel better.

you were the only person i kept looking for when i was at my lowest.

you were someone i could show who i truly was and what i truly felt.

you were my safest place.

someone i can rely on and vent all my problems to.

unfortunately, i wasn't able to be someone you can rant your problems out to.

you were the type of person that would express your frustrations out through the form of music or either by punching your pillow.

I remember the time you told me that you would talk to the wall because you weren't the type to rant to others, instead they would rant to you.

I loved how that was something we both had in common, but I wish we faced our problems with each other instead.

9 months ago, i only saw you as someone i would want to befriend.

nothing more, nothing less.

only if i knew how it would change.

we ended up texting each other in instagram daily, for 31 days.

of course I had to initiate the first move, cause if not then we wouldn't have a conversation going on.

somehow, despite talking daily, we still ended up talking for hours and that time still wasn't enough for the both of us.

I never met someone whom I could talk to for ages. we never ran out of topics to talk about, I swear.

everyday, we had new things to talk about and whenever we talked about one thing, it led to another resulting in a never ending conversation.

it's funny because I hated initiating first, right? but somehow with you I didn't mind. What I hated the most turned out to be the reason I ended up loving you.

as a friend, that is.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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