➪ Chapter 1

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Dear Leo,

10 months ago, neither one of us knew we both existed. You were someone I knew nothing of.

You may have existed as a person but I never knew that 'Leon August' existed and who he was. You were just that guy in the cafe always ordering a cold americano. A coffee in hand, scrolling through your phone with the other as you took sips off of your coffee wearing a yellow hoodie.

I didn't know who you were at that time but you seemed so cool to me. The type of guy that people would fall for just based on your vibes and your looks.

10 months ago, I didn't know your personality.

I wonder what I'd say if I knew back then that the black haired boy would be my best friend.

Anyone who passed by you in that cafe took a quick glance at you but you minded no one.

You minded no one, except me.

I stared at you intently, falling for the way you seemed confident. If only I knew how much you struggled from anxiety.

You must have felt that someone was staring at you, and so you lifted your head up only to interlock your gaze with me.

In that moment I felt shivers run up my spine as I inverted my gaze away from yours.

I remember it all too well.

I remember how I felt during that moment. My heart felt like it skipped a beat or two.

Was it love at first sight?

Until now, I'm still confused.

What was something that you had which made me fall for you?

What was something I didn't have which couldn't make you fall for me?

You were just sitting down, glancing at me every now and then. I felt like I was about to explode at that moment. You had visuals and you seemed like the type of guy that didn't care about anything or anyone aside from yourself.

I was so wrong.

Despite all of that, I didn't bother stopping myself from falling for you a few months later.

I couldn't stop myself because you weren't the type of guy that was inconsiderate and only cared about one's self.

You weren't the type of guys that came out from a movie.

I wish I could've stopped myself from admiring you that time.

I can't fight to change it.

If only I knew how much struggles we'd go through.

If only I could go back in time and warn myself not to fall in too deep. But how can you blame me? You fit my type of boy criteria. Add the fact how you seem so friendly when people get to know you.

These past few months you gave me genuine happiness.

10 months ago, you gave me warmth when i first saw you.

I should've known that all stories have their endings.

Were you just apart of the chapters in my life that has now come to an end?

I know I'd hurt myself but if I wrote a book about us, I'd read it all over and over again.

If I wrote a book about you, you'd be my most beautiful novel.

Thinking about our first encounter, I wonder what you were thinking of when you first caught me staring at you.

Did I look weird ? I completely panicked when we made eye contact hahaha.

It made me nervous I didn't know how to react nor was I sure how you reacted.

You looked so good in yellow, It really fitted you.

Your hair looked so soft, the way you ran your finger through your soft black locks seemed so endearing. I should have approached you that time but I was too shy to.

I barely went to that cafe so I started to doubt that I'd ever get the chance to meet you again. I remember how I ignored that fact and continued sipping my cup of coffee while trying to finish my research assignment.

Minutes later, I got interrupted and turned my head to face where you were. You were with a girl but it seemed like you weren't that familiar with her. I could tell that you were also the shy type and you were probably introverted like myself. I remember you fiddling with the hem of your hoodie as she tried to make a conversation with you.

I didn't expect that from you. I didn't expect that a guy like you would be introverted. like what I've said, you looked so cool but i should've known you were the type of person that preferred being alone when you had none of your friends with you.

I remember how I felt when I observed that from you. I instantly had the thought that, that was one of our similarities. It gave me the courage to approach you at first. But right now, it feels so funny how I easily assumed. What if you just had the habit of fiddling the hem of what you had on?

You seemed so shy though. Were you not used to having random people come up to you? I started to wonder how you were treated like at your school.

Classic straight A student? I wish I were like that.

Looking back at that time. I sat a few tables away from you. I could see your every move.

I sound like a complete stalker now while saying it hahahahaha.

You continued to try conversing with the black haired girl. I wondered what you two talked about and why it took so long for her to leave you alone.

I mean, I could tell you wanted to be alone. totally haha.

I remember how I just paid attention to the both of you instead of doing my research.

Why ? I don't really know as well.

Everything after that was all a blur, it's funny how I even remember the way I felt at that moment even if 10 months had already passed.

All I could remember after that was that the people in the cafe lessened and you were all alone already.

This time, you were eating a cheesecake. I remember how the sun was already setting, making the sky pinkish.

I had to go home at that time already but yet I didn't get the chance to approach you nor did I have the courage too as well.

With that, I left the cafe feeling the warmth of the outside temperature.

I realized as well that I had little chances of bumping into you again.

but I hope fate had other plans for us.

dear, leoWhere stories live. Discover now