Chapter 27

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Seojun went to a park with his mother in a stroller. The park was not far from their apartment.

The weather was chilly, but they are warm because they wore thick clothes.

Sitting on the bench under the warm sunlight with his mom, he heard some whispers.

It was from a couple sitting opposite to their bench.

"That's the baby with Brown Black, right? It was on WNET."

"Really? I can't tell."

"Well, babies are very difficult to tell apart with."

"Don't kids at that age all look the same, anyway?"

He nodded his head, agreeing with her.

"By the way, did you watch 48 hours?"

"Yeah, it was fun. It's going to be so hard to see a baby."

Seo Eun-hye got up from her seat, carefully warmed up her stiffened body.

She put down the cover of Seojun's stroller and slowly stepped off from the bench so it may not seem that they were avoiding them.

When Seo Eun-hye moved away from where the couple was sitting, she went to a place where there were no people. Relaxing her legs first, she squatted on the floor.

"Wow, there's someone out there who recognizes you."

It's already been a month since Brown Black debuted.

Brown Black, left the impression of a talented idol as with their debut stage.

They were still busy being called to each broadcasts and events.

There was no time for them to call each other and Seo Eun-chan couldn't get home as he became busier than before.

Seo Eun-hye and her mother are already accustomed to his current schedule.

As Brown Black's popularity rose, more and more people watch on YouTube [48 hours of Brown Black with Seojun].

When it became a hot topic on the Internet, Seo Eun-Hye sent a proposal to re-edit the show and air it on WNET.

"It's a late-night show anyway, so not many people are watching. And we're going to America soon. Seojun will grow bigger in just a year so they won't recognize him even after coming back from America."

Seo Eun-chan, an uncle who used his nephew for Brown Black's success, said, "It doesn't matter if we posted it on YouTube or air it."

WNET accepted Seo Eun-hye and Lee Min-joon's opinions and edited the video to be released on television. This time, it was edited focusing on Brown Black rather than Seojun.

"I think I can put it here this time."

It was a video that they didn't upload on YouTube.

Seo Eun-chan decided to include the man they met at the playground on the show.

Seo Eun-chan went to Seojun's apartment to ask for consent from the man and heard what happened to his post.

'Why didn't I know about this?' Manager Seo Eun-chan reflected on himself.

"I'm so sorry!"

"No, it's been promoted and it's okay."

"It wasn't real publicity!"

With the permission of the man, cable stations edited and they included the uploads posts posted by the man, comments on the bulletin board, and videos of the playground.

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