Chapter 55

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The long-awaited month of September has finally arrived.

This time, instead of Seo Eun-hye, Lee Min-joon decided to follow Seojun as his manager and guardian.

Kim Hee-sung changed Lee Min-joon's schedule as promised. Of course, he didn't forget to give paperworks in Lee Min-joon's hands that could be done in the U.S. as well.

The plane that left Korea spent a lot of time in the sky and just arrived in America.

"Hi! Seojun!"

"Auntie Nara!"

"You look like you're very excited every time you come here."

Nara arrived the airport and welcomed the two with big arms.

Nara still had a short hair cut and wore black sunglasses. Seojun ran and hugged Nara.

"Seojun grew up a lot!"

The two had good chemistry, laughed and held each other hands.

People around him clapped for some reason. Lee Min-joon face became, he covered his face with one hand and sighed.

Lee Min-joon and Seojun went inside Nara's car. The three left the airport with their seat belts fastened and headed for their own destination.

Seojun looked out through the window. This was a city he had never been to before.

After a while he saw big buildings. There were a lot of people, too. Not only locals but also tourists taking pictures here and there with cameras.

Nara pointed toward one of the buildings.

"That's the Empire State Building. It used to be the tallest building."


Seojun's eyes sparkled.

A city that doesn't fall asleep, New York.

This city was the filming location for Shadowman 2.

Nara dropped Seojun and Lee Min-joon off in front of the hotel and before saying goodbye he gave Seojun a lot of presents.

Whenever Nara went shopping, she would buy things for Seojun, but the amount of gift she stackpiled was huge because she met him again only after almost a year.

It was piled up inside a box next to their trolleys, and the box's height was higher than Seojun's height. Lee Min-joon agonized. How can they bring this back to Korea?

"Then I'll be on my way."

"Auntie, are you going to work?" (TL: Just realized that Nara and Kevin are siblings but Seojun calls one auntie and the other brother. The hierarchy is kind of messed up)

"No, I have to go home. Then, good luck to your shoot. Call me if you need anything."

Nara started the engine and in a blink of an eye, she bolted.

Lee Min-joon was holding the gift box reaching up to his chin and smiled.

"She came from LA to New York just to give Seojun a gift. Nara is amazing."

"Auntie, you're awesome!"

"Yeah, that's cool."

Seojun and Lee Min-joon smiled and went inside the hotel with their trolleys and gifts from Nara.

The next day.

Seojun and Lee Min-joon went around the hotel after adjusting to the time difference and before the filming. During their walk, they received a call from director Ryan Will.

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