Chapter 45

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I just wanted to take a walk so I went towards the mountains for no reason.

While walking in the mountain, I fell into a wild boar pit. Fortunately, only my legs were hurt and I was still alive but I would have never imagined that my legs could be so bent.

At that time I was so much in pain and scared that I screamed for help, but no one came.

I don't know how the time went by..... It was so cold and desolate. I cried and eventually fainted.

But when I woke up, I was now in a hospital. The doctor said it would have been dangerous if I was inside the pit for a longer time. My cause of death would have been Hypothermia. However, when they measured my body temperature, they were surprised that it was normal.

A child actor who was filming a movie in the village found me and saved me. He is my lifesaver. I'm going to watch the movie for 10 times later.

But I don't know which movie it was


In the he hospital there was a boy who went around the Internet and posted his story.

Not many read it and he didn't receive any comment at all.

He was about to delete it because he was embarrassed by the lack of interraction, but before he could do so he asked his grandfather, who was cutting fruits, about the movie.

"What's the name of the movie, Grandpa?"

"What was it? Evil, devil? Evil spirit? Something like that."

"Devil. Evil."

The boy searched for the word Devil in the search box. Foreign and Korean films with similar titles appeared, but they were already released.

"When is it going to be released?"

"They said early August. I decided to go and watch it together with the other villagers."

It is only early July.

It was time for its commercials to be released, but there was still no advertisement about it on television or the Internet.

[Return Hero, Redborn 2! Will released in mid-July!]

"Oh! Redborn 2 is coming out next week!"

The boy's eyes sparkled.

Redborn 2, a movie by Marine.

* * *

The YouTuber that reviews movie turned on his YouTube Live.

"Hello, viewers. Let's start the Q&A to celebrate the release of Redborn 2. I'm not trying to kill time by failing to win a ticket for Redborn 2 premiere. I already have plans for today."

So what should he do today?

"Today, we will talk about actor Lee Seojun, who made the theater hot back in April. I will answer all the questions within the information about him that I currently know. Also, we have some helper here."

Someone waved frim the side of the screen. The YouTuber continued.

"She is my sister. I thought you should know more about who is this actor Lee Seojun that everyone is talking about, so I paid a lot of money to cast her. She won't be on the screen, so please don't worry about her ugly face. I'll now read the first question!"

<<Internet articles and rumors say that Hollywood studios is preparing for his next movies, what will Lee Seojun's next film be from what you expect?>>

"As an actor, we can't help but think about what would his next work be. Especially, if he was an extra. Lee Seojun might also be waiting for his next movie. However, unlike other actors, who would usually return within a year or two, I think it's a little early considering his young age. Unless he grow up taller in order to appear older than his age, he would probably just play role with no importance and no weight."

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