Jeff The Mechanic

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Third Person POV:

The episode starts with The Wiggles logo above these 5 characters in the show. Until, Greg is singing the song: Get Ready To Wiggle plays in the background, it shows their names appear in the opening sequence

"(singing offscreen.) Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da

Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da

Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da


We're ready to wiggle, wiggle your fingers high in the sky

We're ready to wiggle, wiggle your ears and wiggle your eyes

We're ready to wiggle, wiggle your hair and wiggle your nose

We're ready to wiggle, wiggle all ten toes, wiggle all ten toes

Whoo!" Said Greg

A pop up after the starts credit Greg and Kylie can be seen holding hands

Greg starts banning on the bored

"Okay quiet everyone, I know you're all excited about the concert tour" said Greg

"I can't wait to sing at the show" said Anthony

"So much fun!" said Dorothy

"Come on Greg let's go" I said

"Not so fast Kylie, their are a few things we need to attend to first, Anthony have you packed you're lunch" said Greg

"Sure have Greg, this should hit the spot" said Anthony

"Jeff you've have everything that you need for the trip, right we set then, oh Murray did you get the Mechanic to look at the big red car?" said Greg

"Um, let me check my diary Greg, yes nearly?" said Murray

"Nearly, yes??" said Greg

"Well, I phoned her, and she said that she can came today" said Murray

"Well, you know that the big red car have doing some funny noises lately, I'm not sure that we going to get very far" said Greg

"Well maybe we can have a look at it before the mechanic get's here" said Anthony

"Yeah" me and Murray said in a union

"Alright put you're things together and we put them in the car" said Greg

very soon we were outside were the big red car was.

Jeff got in the car, while Greg went to the front and started the engine

"Alright, I will start the car, Kylie, Murray can you two have a look please" said Greg

Me, Murray, Anthony were the first ones to get to the engine very soon joined by Greg.

"What are we looking for? I don't know, it's look alright to me" said Murray

"take a close look" said Greg

Very soon blue liquid spitted onto Anthony's face

"Wh hoo what was that" said Anthony

"That's the problem I would say, some sort of leak, it come from here" said Greg

He putted one of his finger on the leak, then liquid spitted onto Greg's face

"Anthony can you put you're finger on that one please, Kylie same for you" said Greg

soon there were liquid on my face and Murray's face

then liquid spitted all over the place

me, Greg, Murray and Anthony had liquid on nearly all of our faces

"Oh thankyou Dorothy towels, blue for me" said Anthony

"red for me" said Murray

"Yellow for me" said Greg

"and Green for me" I said

"You know you would need 8 arms to fix all those leaks" said Anthony

We all turned to Henry great thinking Anthony

"Just maybe" all 4 of us said

"That's great henry fixed all the leaks" said Anthony

"Now all we need is to put some tape all over them" said Greg

"Then we can get on our way" said Anthony

"good on you Henry" said Murray

"Oh o" said Murray

more liquid has spitted

"It's no good, we'll just have to be patient and wait for the mechanic" said Greg

all of us sat down, I leaned on Greg's shoulder which he didn't mind

all 4 of us done 3 hours of nothing until Jeff came to wake us up

Third Person POV: Jeff just realised that he sent the Mechanic away by Mistake

"Hey looks like our troubles are over" said Anthony

finally now we can go to the show.

Greg Page x Kylie Lucine Field Where stories live. Discover now