Spooked Wiggles

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Third Person POV:

The episode starts with The Wiggles logo above these 5 characters in the show. Until, Greg is singing the song: Get Ready To Wiggle plays in the background, it shows their names appear in the opening sequence

"(singing offscreen.) Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da

Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da

Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da


We're ready to wiggle, wiggle your fingers high in the sky

We're ready to wiggle, wiggle your ears and wiggle your eyes

We're ready to wiggle, wiggle your hair and wiggle your nose

We're ready to wiggle, wiggle all ten toes, wiggle all ten toes

Whoo!" Said Greg

Kylie's POV: It was late at night at the wiggle house all of us are sitting near the tv watching a scary show and I hate scary things.

We were all spooked, I was the worse at off all of them Greg wrapped his arms around me to keep me not scared

He then turned of the tv.

"Well that's enough of that" said Greg

"That was scary" said Murray

"Speak for yourself, I'm frightened as hell" I said

"Boo!" said Murray

"It's really dark in here, let's turn on the lights" said Anthony

"Can we please have the lights on" said Greg

me, Murray, Jeff and Anthony nodded our heads

"You go" said Greg to Anthony

"No, you go" said Anthony to Murray

"No, you go" said Murray to Me

"Kylie, doesn't need to go, Anthony you're the closet to the light switch" said Greg

"But" said Anthony

Me, Murray, Greg and Jeff all pointed our fingers at Anthony making him finally turn on the light switch and then he goes back without turning it on, and turns on the tv again really. I put my face in Greg's chest, that terrified to look.

"This is silly" said Greg

we heard something knocked down from outside

"What was that" said Murray

"What was what" said Greg

"That" said Anthony

"Oh, it's nothing you'll all being silly, now light's turn on the light" said Greg

me, Murray, Anthony and Jeff all nod our heads then shake them.

"Oh come on, we can all do it together" said Greg

All of us got of and got in a single filed line.

"There, that's better isn't" said Greg

We noticed the mirror and screamed

"Holy sh!" I said

"It's only us" said Murray

"You've and Anthony should've seen your faces both of you were very frightened" said Murray

"Hey! it's not my fault that I have a fear of really terrifying and scary things" I said

"But I'm sure that there was a monster outside" said Anthony

"It's probably a racoon" I said

"Kylie, might be right" said Greg

"Come on Anthony, you know that television is only make believe there's nothing to be scared of (Greg then stopped because I gave him a dark glare) Well unless if you have a fear of terrifying and scary things. Now were did you think you saw this monster" said Greg

"Over there by the window" said Anthony

Me, Greg, Jeff and Anthony went to the window.

"See there's nothing there" said Greg

"thanks a lot Anthony, now I'm gonna have nightmares tonight" I said

"Don't worry I will be there to confront you" said Greg while he put his arms around my waist

"Wiggles, Wiggles" said Murray

'What is it Murray" said Anthony

"I think I saw a monster, no two monsters" said Murray

"Oh, stop this there no such thing as monsters" said Greg

"Greg, remember" said Anthony

"Oh sh!, sorry Kylie" said Greg

"What was that" I said along with Murray

"What was what" said Greg

"See, I've told you I saw something, I've told you I saw something" said Anthony

"Oh stop this you're all being silly, except for Kylie" said Greg

soon there was banning on the door or the walls

"I think we should turn the light of an hide" said Murray

I've followed Greg and Murray, to hide behind the couch and Jeff just hide underneath some cushion's while Anthony turned the lights of he then hid with Me, Greg and Murray.

"It's the monster, I think there two of them, quick let's make a breakthrough it's our only hope I think" said Anthony

"Alright on three, 1,2,3" said Greg

"Go" said Anthony

Anthony and Murray got caught, by a face that we all know when it's not so freaking dark.

Then Captain Feathersword the friendly pirate turned on the lights for us finally.

"Be careful, I'm pretty sure that there monsters out there" said Anthony

Me and Greg were on the table chairs standing

"Oh Anthony that was just Dorothy the Dinosaur and myself that bumped into you" said Captain

"But what about the monsters outside, I saw them" said Murray

"That was just little old Dorothy and myself, we went to the front door but he wouldn't let us in so we walked around the back" said Captain

Me and Greg hoped of the chairs but since I'm so freaking short and I was shaking Greg helped me down.

"So it was just you two all along" said Anthony

"I'm still getting nightmares tonight" I said

"Remember what I said earlier" said Greg

"Oh yeah, Greg what did you say to her earlier" said Murray

"Um, nothing important" said Greg and me in a union

"It was just us" said Dorothy

"See I told you there were no Monsters" said Greg

"Why were you running then Greggory" I said in a sing song voice

"Well I uh, just wanted to make sure, anyway it doesn't matter now. Lets drink a milk" said Greg

Later that night.

I was having a nightmare about the past events. Greg knew that I would have a nightmare he noticed that I went to bed earlier then usually.

"Kylie, it's me Greg, can I come in" said Greg

"Yeah" I said

"You just had a nightmare didn't you" said Greg with his voice sounded concerned

I slowly nodded, and then he leaned into me and kissed me softly, until he wrapped his arms around me making me not have another nightmare.

Greg Page x Kylie Lucine Field Where stories live. Discover now