•°•°dating alphabet with Julia Hoffman (A-N)•°•°•°

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A- activities (what actives she loves to do with you)
Julia absolutely loves to take you on long walks by the sea, she finds the sea calming alone but with you it's a milion times better.

B- beauty (what would she admire about you)
Julia admires your thighs, she melts completely when during a cuddling session you out your leg her.

C- comfort (how would she comfort you when you feel you feel down/have a panic attack)
Julia is a psychiatrist, she knows exactly how to approach you. She can't bare looking at her beloved person when they're feeling bad, she totally would cuddle you if that's what you need.

D- dreams (how she pictures her future with you)
In Julia's head she wants to become a vampire with you so you both can live forever together in a dark mansion, without children, she finds them annoying so a couple cats are more likely to keep you company.

E- equal (is she the dominant one in the relationship or rather passive)
Julia is absolutely the dominant one, her wish is your command, and you're not mad about it.

F- fight (would she forgive you easily after a fight)
After a fight, Julia tries her best to be angry with you but she simply can't, she loves you too much to be angry with you.

G- Gratitude (how grateful is the in general, is she aware what you're doing for her)
Julia is more than grateful, sometimes it's a pain in the ass since sometimes she feels like she's not worthy of you and growes distant, so you have to reassure her every now and then.

H- Honesty (how honest is she with you?)
Julia is sometimes too honest, she never would keep any secrets from you, and she expects you to do the same.

I- Inspiration (did you change her somehow, or the other way around)
You helped Julia overcome her problem with substance abuse, and she helped you overcome your trauma.

J- Jealous (would she get jealous easily?)
Yes. Julia is very insecure about herself and is afraid that you might leave her for someone else she deems as better than her, therefore she's very jealous over you.

K- Kiss (are they a good kisser)
Julia is very experienced with kissing, you would be pleasantly surprised in that aspect.

L- Love confession (How would she confess her love to you)
Julia would hold her feelings towards you for as long as possible, but one night both of you got way to drunk and she spilled her secret.

M- marriage (would she want to get married)
Julia would definitely like to get married with you and spent the rest of enternity together.

N- Nicknames (how would she call you)
Her favorite nicknames are: love, darling, dear, beautiful, pretty girl

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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