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(Hehe welcome to the second volume of this book! It probably won't be as long as the first, but I hope you lovely dears enjoy it anyway! < 3 )

Narrator's P.O.V

It had been exactly one year since (Y/N) and Alberto got together. They were both fifteen now and (Y/N) had a lovely scar on the front of her leg from breaking it a while ago. Luca and Giulia were finally off from school and making the most of the time the had off.  "Guys! We should do something fun!" Giulia spoke, lacing her fingers together as Luca walked beside the redhead. He nodded in agreement, gripping his fists excitedly. "Yeah! It's been ages since we've all hung out together."

(Y/N) had hand embraced in Alberto's, her shoulder pressed close to his. "Hell yeah! I'm up for anything! We could all have..a coffee somewhere? I've got some spare euros in my pocket!" Chimes the girl, grinning up at Alberto who is just as enthusiastic. "Yeah! It'll be nice for all of us to sit together for once." He squeezed (Y/N)'s hand with his own tanned one.

Alberto was plotting in his head. Him and (Y/N) had been together for a while and he wanted to plan something. Maybe a date in Portorosso's oceans? Romantic dinner? Nah, he'd somehow make it cheesy. He knew (Y/N) wouldn't mind, but he didn't want to disappoint her. Luca and Giulia knew that he was planning something for ages, Giulietta even took liberty of teasing him while also making suggestions. Luca was more informative on the matter and gave useful pointers.

"Berto! Come on!" Tugging on her partner's hand, (Y/N) guided him up the hill towards a local coffee shop. Since Alberto had been busy helping Massimo with fishing, working his lifeguard job and riding his bike everywhere, he was a lot harder to drag due to added muscle. "I'm coming, I'm coming." He strode after his shorter girlfriend, almost overtaking her with a few strides.

Giulia shook her head in amusement. "You two, my god. Now come on! We've got a table!" Toying with her curled hair, she shuffled over so Luca could perch beside her. Alberto, being the lovely boy he was, pulled out a chair for (Y/N). "After you, m'lady." He smiled meekly, gesturing to the intricately detailed metal chair. Rolling her eyes, (Y/N) ruffled up Bert's hair and sat in the chair. "Grazie, amore." As Alberto sat down, the teenager leaned across and pecked his cheek affectionately.

Swatting her away, Alberto giggled childishly but immediately tensed when the waiter came over. "Aww, young love. We love to see it! What can I get you four?" Holding a small notepad, the waiter was ready to scribble down our order.

"Ooh, I'll have some (F/D) please! Oh and maybe some pancakes drizzled in honey. Do we pay upfront or do we pay after?" Searching in her pockets, (Y/N) pulled out some money and practically slammed it on the decorative table. The waiter laughed and raised a hand dismissively. "Woah, hon! You can pay now if you want! What'll your friends be having?"

"I'll have an espresso please, with a croissant!" Giulia spoke cheerily, resting her hands against the table. Alberto soon pitched in, crossing his arms as he leant back in his chair. "I'll have an espresso too. And pancakes with syrup."

Luca was last to order. "I'll just have an orange juice and some toast please."

Scribbling the order on their notes, the water smiled sincerely. "Right! That'll be around €24.50 please, hon!" Counting her money, (Y/N) paid the appropriate amount of money and thanked the waiter who whisked back inside to prepare everything. Once the three were alone again, Alberto felt a little bad about (Y/N) having to pay. If anything, they should be treating her. No. He should be treating her. Nevermind that. He'd make sure to treat his princess when he surprises her tomorrow.

𝑆𝑒𝑎 𝑀𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑉. 2 // 𝐴𝑙𝑏𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑜 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑜 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now