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Hwanwoong POV:

"What about Xion?" Ravn spotted Hwanwoong walking over with medical supplies.

"Leedo is taking care of him." He simply replied.

Ravn looked at Hwanwoong with an eyebrow raised as if to say "oh really."

It was as if Hwanwonng could read Ravn's expression, "Yeah, the same Leedo that Xion keeps trying to talk to. Don't worry about Xion. He's in good care."

It was silent for a couple minutes before Hwanwoong spoke, "Thank you for standing up for us but why did you have to fight him? Look how many wounds you have."

"I-I just hate when they talk to you guys like that. It's disgusting. You guys aren't what they say you are. How could someone say something that disgusting to you guys." Ravn started to get angry just talking about it.

Hwanwoong noticed Ravn getting agitated so he decided not to talk about it further. "Just-just don't get into another fight. It's not worth it." When he didn't get a response from his friend, Hwanwoong spoke again. "Promise me Ravn. I don't like to see my friends hurt."

Ravn sighs, "I promise BUT if they ever try to hurt you guys, I can't promise anything."

And the conversation ended there. Soon Hwanwoong finished treating Ravn's wounds and it was now time to treat Hwanwoong's wounds. 

"You ok?" Hwanwoong furrowed his brows, looking at Ravn who was still standing there without moving an inch. At that moment, Xion walked in and as he was about to talk, Ravn shoved the band–aid into Xion's hand. "Take over for me please? Thanks."

Before Xion could agree, Ravn walked out.

Xion POV:

"What's up with him?" Xion asked as he looked at the direction Ravn walked away.

"I'm not sure." Hwanwoong slowly said, still looking at the direction Ravn walked.

"I'm sure he'll be alright. Let's take care of you first." Turning his attention back to Hwanwoong.

[ 10 minute later ]

"You're all patched up now. Let's get you back to class." Xion cleaned up the area as he led Hwanwoong outside.

"How about you? Aren't you going back to class?" Hwanwoong asked.

"No, I want to go check if Ravn is ok."

Hwanwoong tilted his head, "Isn't he in class already."

"I don't think he is, otherwise he would've waited for us or came back." Xion thought.

"I guess you're right. I'll come with you." Xion suggested.

"No, I don't want you to get in trouble either. Besides, it's not a good idea for all of us to skip class. We'll be in deeper trouble."

"Yeah you're right. I'll see you in class then." Walking away in the opposite direction of Xion.

*Text to RV the cat*

Xion: Hey you alright? Where you at?

RV: Outside garden

Xion: okie I'll meet you there

*End of conversation*

[ Outside garden ]

"Hey you alright?" walking up beside Ravn who was sitting on a bench in the garden.

"Yeah I just really needed some air. Why are you here?"

"Checking up on you."

"How is he (Hwanwoong)?"

"He's fine. He's in class. Why did you hesitate?" (a/n: referring when he hesitated to touch hwanwoong back in the clinic)

"I-I don't know. I just couldn't get myself to touch him. I felt like I was frozen and I just kept staring at him. It felt like the moment I touched him, he would shatter. He just...looked so delicate at that moment and I couldn't do it."

Xion nodded his head slowly as if to say he understood him without words although Ravn wasn't convinced.

"Never mind what I said. It's nonsense." But before he could continue, Xion cut in.

"No, I get it. May I ask, did something happen to Hwanwoong in the past? It's fine if you don't feel comfortable to answer."

Ravn hesitated for a minute before beginning speaking, "A year ago there was a guy that Hwanwoong casually dated and the guy kept hinting he wanted to do the thing with Hwanwoong but at that time, wasn't ready. And one day the guy started to lose patience with him and started forcefully touching him. Starting from his face and soon enough the guy was trying to force himself onto him. Thankfully I spotted them and stopped him in time. After that everytime a guy touches Hwanwoong in a seductive way, he panics. It has gotten better now. He's ok with guys flirting with him but if a guy wants to get close to him, he starts to avoid that person. And sometimes if someone starts to like him or when he senses someone is starting to like him, he also avoids that person."

"I'm sorry that happened. It must have been tough for both of you. For you to see your best friend going through that is pretty tough and for Hwanwoong to experience that was probably so traumatic. May I ask, is that why you reacted like that when the bullies said those words?"

"Yeah I guess you could say that. He isn't a sl*t and you're not either. I just hate it when I hear those words, especially when it's directed to my friends. Oh by the way, can you promise me that you won't tell Hwanwoong that I told you about this?"

"Of course, Ravn. I just want to tell you, I don't think you should be scared about Hwanwoong avoiding you. You're his best friend."

"I'm just scared that he will eventually find out that I like him and he'll start to avoid me. I-I can't let him know that I like him yet. I don't think I can tell him."

"There's no rush. Besides I don't think you need to tell you directly, Ravn. Your actions speak louder than words. I can tell you like him just how you look at him and care for him. Just-just keep doing what you do, ok?" Giving a pat on Rav's back.

"Yeah, ok. Thanks for talking to me. We should probably go back to class before we get into more trouble. Also I don't think you should sit in front of the bullies."

Xion chuckled a bit, "it's ok. Don't worry about me. I'll talk to the teacher later. Let's go."

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