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"Of course of course. Please get some rest. I'll talk to him." Shortly they parted. Seoho slowly opened the door, making sure not to make too much noise. He softly crept beside his bed.

Seeing in such a state made his heart shatter. A sleeping Keonhee with his brow knitted as if he's in pain, pale lips and his figure fragile than ever. Raising his hand to brush a piece of hair out of Keonhee's face. "I'm sorry."

He searched for a chair to sit, taking Keonhee's hand in his. "I'm sorry for what I said to you. I was such an ass, wasn't I?"

"Yeah, you were." A voice almost a whisper but strong enough for Seoho to hear. He threw his head up to see Keonhee half pity smile on his face.

"You're awake. How do you feel? Are you hurting anywhere? Let me call the doctor." Just as he was about to leave, Keonhee caught his hand.

"Can we just be alone for a minute? Are you still going to avoid me once you know I'm awake?" He pleaded, his hand wrapping around Seoho's cold fingers

"I-no of course not." Sitting back down. "Are you in pain anywhere?" Seoho asked again, feeling an awkward silence coming.

"Here." Placing his hand on his heart. "Here hurts. A lot. It feels like when someone squeezes a water soaked towel over and over again. It aches just like that. But I'm sure you're not here for that, are you?" Smiling then looking away at the tv which was playing at a random channel for background noise.

"No. Look-I-I'm really sorry I said those words to you. I wasn't thinking straight and I should've consider your feeling too and-"

"Yaa... I get it. Stop talking, those words don't suit you." Keonhee said in a tired voice, turning back to face a tear-stained Seoho.

"Keonhee, you should've told me you weren't feeling well. I was really worried after Yuki told me you were in the hospital." Placing his hand on Keonhee's forehead.

"Ah that Yuki, I knew I shouldn't have trusted her." Making a clicking noise with his tongue.

"Stop playing around. I'm really worried about you. I should've checked on you a lot sooner. It's my fault. I'm really sorry so please get better Keonhee otherwise I'll keep blaming myself." Bursting into tears once again as he collapsed onto Keonhee's arms.

Hey hey hey, look I'm fine, I'm not dead." Ruffling Seoho's soft hair.

"It's not funny. You have no idea how much you scared me. I would've died from a heart attack and it would be your fault." Lightly slapping Keonhee's arm.

Keonhee sighs at the sight of Seoho, "In all seriousness, if you're not ready then I'll wait for you. Just stop giving me a cold shoulder."

"Is it ok if I lay next to you? I'm not going to hurt you right?" His hand started to slowly move the blankets to the side.

"No it's fine." Patting to the small empty space next to him.

Seoho heavily sighs as he lays next to Keonhee, an arm under his shoulder, pulling him close. "To tell you the truth, a couple days after my parents walked in on us, my parents divorced. My mom told my dad she's willing to accept me whoever I was or wanted to be as long as I'm happy. Let's just say my dad disagreed and that was the end of my parents."

Keonhee looked up from the crock of Seoho's neck to his absent eyes, "I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry? You don't want to be with me anymore?" Seoho chuckled, ruffling Keonhee's hair.

"No, it's not that. It's just-I know how much your parents meant to you and how protective they were when you were younger. They did everything for you because they loved you. It must be hard."

A little background: Keonhee's mom was a single mother for most of Keonhee's life since his father left when Keonhee was just 2 years old.

"Relationships aren't as it always seems. My parents never fought in front of me doesn't mean they have never fought. My dad was a good parent before I came out (as gay) but doesn't mean he doesn't have his faults. Not accepting me as who I am was just one of his. Of course I'm angry with him but what's me being angry at him forever going to do? Nothing. It's not going to make me happy so why not move on? My mom is good at moving on." Seoho chuckled before continuing. "Besides, two good things come out of this. 1. My mom is happier and 2. I get to be with you and never leave your side."

"You want to enter into a TedTalk? You would be great at it. I could listen to your wise mind all day long." Keonhee smiled, rubbing his head against Seoho's chest.

"Is that a yes? Would you be my boyfriend?" Seoho lifted Keonhee's chin with his finger.

"I don't know. Is it?" Unable to contain his smile and something he has been wanting to do for a long time. Scouting up to match Seoho's level, he slowly leaned in, initiating their very first kiss. "Of course I will be your boyfriend."

"So does it mean you'll eat, drink and get out of this place so we can properly lay down on a bed together? Should I go down to the convenience store to get something delicious?" He asked as he slowly tried to get up but Keonhee pulled him back.

"No, don't leave me." Clutching his boyfriend's arm, pouting.

"Do you want me to call your mom to bring us something instead?" He suggested, grabbing Keonhee's phone.

A hum escaped his lip as if to say yes.

[ 10 minutes later ]

"Oh my gosh, my baby you're awake." Keonhee's mom rushed over, dropping the bag of food on the table, hugging her son ever so tightly.

"Mom, I can't breathe." Waving to Seoho for help but all he did was laugh at the mother and son moment.

The three ate, talked, and laughed for the rest of the afternoon. And later that afternoon, Keonhee was released from the hospital. Deciding to spend the night at Keonhee's place.

The two laid next to each other, shoulder to shoulder, their heads against the window so they could look out to see the stars.

"Remember you told me that you have always wanted to do this with someone you love?" Seoho asked without turning to face Keonhee.

"Yeah I remember. I said it would be a reconnecting time. You know just me and the other person. To feel present with each other. I used to do that with my mom before I got older and she got busier with work. But I'm happy to feel the familiar feeling with you." Finishing his sentence as he found Seoho's hand to hold.

"Me too. I'm happy I can be the one to do this with you." Intertwining their hands with each other.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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