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Hello there,

Thank you for all the love for the stories posted so far. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

I have a couple of plots in the works but will not be able to think through them or pen them anytime sooner than Monday! Life priorities and all that.

Go follow me on Twitter, 
I post song covers when inspired. Singing is a hobby much like writing.

On to the main question, which previous OS (other than Neethanadi) would you like to read another chapter of? I might do a couple of them when I am still figuring out new plots based on your response. I do have some plot ideas for the previous stories but was hesitant to write further because I really liked where I had ended them.

Some of you have asked me to write a separate story instead of few shots or one shots. The only reason I don't do that right now is, I don't think I will follow through if I make a bigger commitment. I am lazy on a whole new level. And I didn't think it would be fair to anyone who gets invested in the story.

Thank you 🙏🏽

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