Azhaipaayaa Azhaipaayaa? : 7

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This chapter is a continuation of the previous work Azhaipaayaa Azhaipaayaa? : 6

I am breaking the Epilogue into two chapters so that I can get out shorter updates sooner instead of making y'all wait until Monday night for one big Epilogue. So there's going to be one more Epilogue chapter for Azhaipaayaa Azhaipaaya? before we close the curtains on this one.

Both the epilogues are going to be short and happy chapters. Hope you like it.

Just a kind reminder: This is a work of FICTION. Only the names of my main characters have been inspired by real life.

As always, there's a note at the end of this chapter.





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Smiling to herself and putting her phone away, Sivaangi thought back to the first time she kissed him, just two weeks back

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Smiling to herself and putting her phone away, Sivaangi thought back to the first time she kissed him, just two weeks back.

It had been almost two months since their first date and he was just dropping her back home after their night out at the video game arcade. They were both sweaty after several rounds of air hockey since neither had wanted to lose the game and kept playing for a good couple of hours. She was a little sad that she wouldn't be able to see him the next three weeks since he was going to Kerala to focus on writing. On the ride back home, she had thought about kissing him but was a little nervous initiating it having only held his hands and the occasional hugs. He hadn't initiated anything physical with her either in the two months. Looking out the window, she kept chewing her lips occasionally taking peeks at him. Humming to the song playing on the radio, he seemed unaware of the turmoil she was in.

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