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Disclaimer: This is a work of FICTION. Only the names of my main characters have been inspired by real life.

Not proof read and the entire chapter was typed using a mobile device. Please bear with typos.

It's been a while since I wrote. So just testing the waters with a fun work.
I hope this is enjoyable! Please bear with me since it's been a while 🙏🏽



She shook her head biting her lips to the voice of Yuvan playing in her headphones. The song did something to her already gleeful state of mind.  She tapped her mouse twice as she craned her neck to see if he was in sight.

அகமெல்லாம் அவன்தான்
அவன்தான் இருந்தான் நடந்தான்
அவ கனவெல்லாமே
அவன் முகம் தானே!

Right on cue, he walked in with his laptop bag slung across his body and a coffee cup in hand. He seemed to be on a call on his one AirPod that sat in his left ear. It looked like he muttered "hold on" before he pulled his laptop out of the bag,  placed it on his desk and connected it to the dock.

She watched him lost in the song in her ears for a few seconds until the office communicator demanded her attention. As she responded absentmindedly to her colleague, she looked up at him one more time as he settled down at the desk.

This was exactly why she arrived to work quite early even sacrificing her sleep. To find a good seat at work, specifically that very desk she was seated at before it was taken.

She had started at this Tech Giant during the pandemic lockdown and the first time she noticed him was on one of the first team meetings she attended virtually much like everyone else. During the second team meeting, she had tried to take a closer look at the handsome guy who seemed to have an opinion on anything and everything other members demoed and the very  coherent delivery of his insights and how everyone seemed to value it. When she couldn't quite focus on his small picture on the meeting screen, she had proceeded to pin his profile on Teams only to be notified by Avinash, a colleague she closely worked with on communicator , "I think you might have accidentally pinned Ashwin's profile to the meeting screen". She hadn't realized if she pinned someone on her screen, the app would pin them for all the meeting attendees. Although her cheeks burnt in embarrassment, she had blamed it on the lack of caffeine that morning and quickly unpinned the cute guy off the meeting screen.

Avinash had later introduced or rather just informed her that the cute guy was a holder of one of those fancy technical job titles whose job responsibilities was always hazy to her. She always assumed they were the kind of people who were too technical for the management roles but too smart for corporate to let them slave around like the rest of them. The patent holders, the staff engineers, the mysterious ones. The number of monitors on his desk a testament to his importance. And also the fact that he had a desk allocated to him just like upper management when her office started asking employees to come back to work three days a week. While the rest of them including her had to take an unoccupied seat on the floor, for they were the run of the mill employees with no designated seats. Not him. Not Ashwin.

And that's why she came in early on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays, the days her team was designated to come into the office. She liked the desk she was seated at. It was diagonally across Ashwin's desk, a few rows away, just behind a potted plant. She had to crane her neck slightly to be able to see him, which meant she wouldn't be constantly distracted by him. But he was only a craning of her neck away if she wanted a break from work. The potted plant provided ample privacy to this activity of hers. It had taken her a few weeks to find this perfect spot. The only problem being, the desk being next to a window that overlooked the highway made it a hot commodity. And she had to come in at 7.30 am just for this desk she wanted.

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