Uffff....one of a longest chapter.....nearly 6k words.....enjoy....
Abhi and Bantu was shattered after what they heard from sid. Not even in their wild dreams they thought Sid will say like this. Abhi couldn't believe that his kid brother denied to come with him.
But both Abhi and Bantu knew something is behind his those words. But they couldn't find it out. A part of their heart said them that he has accepted his father and the other part screamed he is lying and he needs help.
Arjun was just looking at them. He could sense how it would be. He knew how they feel now as he also loves his brothers to the core. Arjun sighed and decided to break the silence.
Arj: Abhi....first calm down and u need to be strong....
Abhi: i can't sir....i can't believe that he said those words to us....
Bantu: haa...he didn't even gave a reaction when that Mansoor said he is his son and that too Sid accepted him....i cant take it...
Arj: guys first u two calm down....u guys love ur brother right...
Abhi/Bantu: yes offcourse....
Arj: then why can't u guys couldnt see the fear in his eyes....u guys are just thinking about the words he spoke...
Abhi: what...
Arj: u guys may not know about this....but i am well aware of it....they have already broke him through his mind. They have succeeded in making him to scared of them...did u guys just looked at him keenly....he didn't even looked up once before u made him to look into ur face....
Abhi: yeah u are right....
Arj: hmm...thats the first thing every mafia person will do to make a person to be in their control....to make them fear for them....first thing to take them in control is not letting them to look into our eyes and speak....sid didn't even looked at Mansoor or vikrams eyes....also he didn't looked at ur eyes too...it means he is scared to the core....they have made him like that....
Abhi: yeah....u are right....and also...he was just saying us to go from here...he didn't spoke anything else...he just said us to go from here....but i could sense the fear in his voice when he said that.....
Arj: umm yes....he was about to say something when Abhi's phone started ringing.
Arj: who is it...
Abhi: that women from mansoors farm house....
Arj: put it on speaker...
He did what he said.
Women: hello...Abhishek...i am sorry....i now only got to know something....i quickly called u...
Abhi: what is it...is Sid fine...
Women: fine but not ok....now only i came out after giving him food....i asked him why he didn't went with u....
The trio stiffed hearing her..
Abhi: what he said...
Women: he stared crying as soon as I asked. Then he said Mansoor and Vikram threatened him that they will kill ur family if he do any misbehave before Arjun Malik sir and u....so only he didn't came to u...and also he was crying in guilt for speaking harsh with u....
Abhi and Bantu was crying silently when Arjun was listening to her keenly...
Women: and one more thing...make sure ur family members are safe...because sid listened to them because they have shown him a vedio that everyone of ur family is being followed by mansoors guards with gun ....so only he listened to him.....

Sidshek--one shots and short stories.
ФанфикMessage me ur ideas and I will write it as one shots and short stories.