Three days passed by after Abhi took sid back to India. Sid knew he has done very bad with his brother whom he got after a long struggle. He knew he shouldn't have done that, but the thirst of getting information about his unknown mom made him to do like that...
In this three days the members of the family were being normal with him as if nothing happened. Even his mom was being normal with him...but Abhi and Bantu was angry on him...even Bantu became normal and forgave him after seeing tears in his little prince's eyes....but abhi didn't budge to his tears or the apologies ...
It doesn't mean that Abhi was that much angry...he was upset that he lied to him...if sid would have asked him with more pressure abhi himself would have accompanied him to Malasyia and helped him to get some details about his mom at the same time preventing him from getting to know the full truth...
But now he has lied to him and it hurts him so much...and also sid doesnt know what danger he has gotten himself into....Abhi saw how sid punched that Vikram in front of that government office and after knowing he is one of the biggest mafia of malasyia Abhi didn't wasted a second and took sid back to home to keep in front of his sight as he will be safe....
Even coming here he didn't allowed him to go out as he was afraid what if that Vikram will be searching for him...because of all these he didn't had time to sort out things or even to scold him for what he did....
So his silence killed sid in a different way....he thought he is losing his precious brother again because of his stupidity...he cried himself to sleep all the time.
It was dinner time and sid was not eating his food instead of killing it with the fork...luckily Abhi came back home earlier. Sid saw him with hopefull eyes atleast he will give him a glance....but no he just ran up to the room without even turning his head to that side.
Sids eyes slowly welled up and he looked down and closed his eyes not allowing the tears to go down.
After sometime Abhi came down and sat on the couch in the living room. He denied to eat dinner as he already ate it with his pa when they went for a business deal meeting to a hotel.
Sid saw him sitting idle and ran to him leaving his food at the same time not giving his ears to his mom yelling at his back to come back and eat..
Abhi turned and saw as he heard his mom yelling. He saw sid came to him. He just sat there simply. It looked like he was also in a determined state to sort it out today....but he didn't know how to do it....he didn't know if he should scold him and leave him or to punish him....but he did know that the silence he gave him for last 3 days is a good punishment and he wanted to stop it today....
Sid came to him and knelt down before him with teary eyes. He looked straight at his face when abhi looked away...sid held his hand and suddenly started to slap himself.
Abhi got startled on this sudden incident and pulled back his hands...but sid didn't stopped and he slapped himself....
Abhi: sid...what are u doing stop...he said holding his hands forcefully....
Sid: bhai....please...punish me but don't ignore me...i can't take this anymore....he cried loudly after that....
Abhi quickly hugged him and took him on the couch beside him and patted his back.
Abhi: it's's ok...
Sid: please bhai...please don't get angry on me...i am sorry....
Abhi: i am not angry on u Sid...i am just upset u lied to me...

Sidshek--one shots and short stories.
FanfictionMessage me ur ideas and I will write it as one shots and short stories.