CHAPTER: 4: alpha and Alpha

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The room felt incredibly hot as you kneeled in front of the Austrian queen, waiting for her command that would allow you to stop-as the maid from before had instructed.

"Rise." She said, you let out a small sigh of relief before following her command. The queen's piercing eyes meeting your shrinking ones, the fact you were the only one in the throne room only made the situation tenser.

"So baroness, from my contacts I have come to believe that you are here to aid-"

"Actually...I'm no baroness." You interrupted, continuing as Theresa's eyes narrowed. "But we do have something else in common, something that makes us...closer?"

You laughed awkwardly, no particular reason why beyond trying to calm yourself as Theresa's expression held a hint of disgust. "I'm an you, and I have come to request your aid against the Prussian king as fellow alpha so he will not be able to take me as his prize."

Taking a deep breath as you finished you watched as Theresa looks softened slightly.


"I...understand your plight, long have I lived under the shadows just because of what I am in more then just gender. And it took me a great many sacrifices to get here, and much more to live through my current and future ordeals." Just as hope started to be instilled into you Theresa's glare snatched it all away as she continued.

"But we are not closer in any possible way."


"How can someone who was raised from birth to be a queen compare against someone that was but a peasant's child? We may inhabit the same Empire but that can be said for anyone, like Friedrich." She raised herself off the throne, approaching you and making you feel small as she towered over you.

A small look of pity crossed her face. "And we are both not Gods, I cannot take care of every woman that walks in here just because we have something in common." She let a hand rest on your shoulder, giving a strange sense of comfort. "I'm afraid you will have to fight your own battles, just like me. Who has it worse is something up for debate."


Theresa turned, starting to return to her throne. "The maid that brought you here will escort you out." You slowly nodded even if she couldn't see it, staying silent as you were turned away from the one place you thought would be safe. You tried to hold in the tears as the maid offered you the way out, not trying to think of Karl's useless sacrifice and had no other plan to escape the Prussian king or his agents.


"Honestly who does she think she is?" Theresa thought out loud as she helped a horse out of one of the stables. "Such disrespect."

"Quite my queen." Voiced a helper, standing loyally as Theresa raised herself on the horse. "Prussians are known for their barbarism lately."

"It's not only that, her lack of the true faith and lower classes only serve to aggravate me further. How naïve can someone get?" Complained Theresa as she slowly began to ride the horse.

"Or perhaps devious, she did manage to trick us into thinking she was a baroness. She even had the support of that Prussian Trader." The helper commented as he began to follow.

Theresa stroked the mane of the horse. "I've seen the letter, no matter how good the handwriting it must have been a forgery, she may have even killed him just for this ploy."

"It could be possible, we can arrest her if you want to?"

"No, she doesn't look like something that can kill bare hurt. Besides I'm not about to waste our manpower or prison cells for some mildly courteous trader, emotion like that gets you into trouble." Theresa said.

Yandere Omega Friedrich II x Female Alpha Reader: The Possessed Omega KingWhere stories live. Discover now