Okay, so, I'm not a huge fan of Author's Notes, but I wanted to drop in and tell whoever's actually reading this a few things:
One, after I finish this story, I do plan on have a sequel, which I've had planned out for a while. I was hoping to end this within fifteen chapters, but I'm not too sure just yet. Bear with me, this will actually be the first story I've ever actually completed.
Two, in chapter ten, which is the upcoming chapter, we find out the sex of the baby annnnd the name. I actually already have the name picked out and everything. But, I'm curious to know what gender you think Peanut might be along with name suggestions. I may just use your name in the 2nd book. (;
Three, I will be changing the name of this pretty soon, and for this, I'm hoping to receive a few suggestions from y'all (you)?
Lastly, you guys have no idea how excited I am that I can finally share the things that constantly run through my mind. I've had Emilie's Baby written out on Word since the end of my Senior year and just wasn't brave enough to post it.
Anyway, I'm off to start chapter ten. I'd love to hear from you guys!
Much love,

Emilie's Baby
General Fiction"I think I might be in trouble, Nicky." I whispered, sitting on my bed. Nick sat with me, taking my hand in his and rubbing circles over the backs of my hands. He was attempting to comfort me in the only way he knew how at the moment. I knew he was...