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*** There's a bit of a time jump in here, but like I had mentioned before, EB won't go on for much longer. Maybe another two or three chapters.


Through my life, there had only been one certainty that I could cling to.

Life doesn't always work out the way we planned.

It's a universal truth that we all seem to accept as time goes on. Nothing ever really works out how we want, but it does work out somehow. Someone always wins, even if it isn't you.

But surprisingly for once, I was winning.


Well, I'd fallen head over heels, completely in love with my husband. Nutty, right? Yeah, I didn't expect it either, though I had been hopeful.

When did it happen? I'm honestly not sure. Maybe it was the day he kissed me when we'd found out Little Bit's gender. Or, maybe it was the day he picked me up from class an hour early with a bundle of bananas and a to go cup of barbecue sauce from Dicky's. But, honestly? I think it was probably the night about a month and a half ago when he and my ex got into it at the park.

        "You sure you're not too cold, baby?" Rowan asked, not waiting for my answer before taking off his leather jacket and draping it over my shoulders. I smiled softly and  accepted it, but I wasn't really paying attention to him at the moment. I was a little busy focusing Wyatt. I was nearing the second week of my sixth month, and while I had been experiencing the normal wear and tear of pregnancy, I had yet to really feel my little guy really move around. Sure, I'd felt small little fluttering earlier on, especially around the time of my fourth and fifth months, but I wanted to really feel it and moreover, I really wanted Rowan to feel it too. Rowan spoke again, but this time I didn't catch what he said at all, I nearly jumped out of my skin as I felt the a large fluttering sensation fill me. With a laugh, I grabbed Rowan's arm, nearly tugging it off in the process as I pressed his large, warm hands flat against my growing belly.

        "Do you feel it?" I hissed excitedly, nearly jumping with giddiness as Wyatt moved again. I looked up into the dark green eyes of Rowan, noticing the blurry quality he'd taken on. Of course I would blame my hormones for the random onset of tears, but I think we'd both know the truth of it. I was thrilled! My baby boy was growing so quickly inside of me.

        "Is that-- Is he moving?"

I jerkily nodded, grinning as I attempted to keep the tears at bay. With a short laugh, Rowan's arms enclosed around me and I was spinning for a second, all 190 pounds of me. At six months along, I was seriously gaining some weight, but I didn't care at all. My little boy needed it and to be honest, I didn't mind the extra weight a bit. (I had some serious boobage going on now and some really, really nice hips!) I was a little shocked that Rowan could lift me, but I guess I shouldn't have been to surprised, he'd been working with Daddy out on a friend's farm for the last few weeks. I had no idea why, I mean, Rowan had a really good job that more than paid the bills, and I was lucky enough that I'd found a job that I loved and it only required minimal effort. Most of the money I earned went into baby items that Rowan, his mother or my parents hadn't already bought. One thing was for sure, Wyatt wasn't gonna want or need for anything.

        "He'll be here before we know it, Em." Ro whispered, pulling me in tightly. I wasn't complaining. I was kind of cold, but c'mon, I wasn't going to whine a bit if he wanted to hold me.         

        "I know. I'm so ready to meet him, Ro." I whispered, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck. I was grateful for Rowan in my life, I was grateful for the things that he'd done for me, taught me. I was grateful for the little bundle of joy he'd given me. Wyatt was the greatest thing that had ever happened to me. Well, one of them, because now, I had Rowan too.

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