I was panicking, but for good reason.
Well, I was kind of late to my OB/GYN appointment, which meant that Ro was probably freaking out. He didn't do well with tardiness. Of course, he'd loosened up a bit since we'd been together (okay, together but not together, get me?). I'd purposely made him late to meet my folks for dinner the other night. Okay, so in reality, Mama and Daddy both knew that I wanted to mess with him-- that's beside the point though.
Anyway, I was late. Like, twenty minutes late.
And I was also missing a shoe. Normally, I'd just say screw it and put on another pair of shoes, but no. My feet choose today to swell so large that I couldn't wear anything but the flats my brother had bought me as a birthday gift. He'd accidentally got them too large and somehow lost the receipt for them. I was thankful now, or I would be if I could find the other half of the pair.
Annd finally, today is the day that we found out what Peanut is. While Rowan had his heart set on a baby girl, I was hoping for a little boy that looked just like him. I had yet to tell him that, but I think he knew. Probably did, because my Mama did and what she knows, everybody and their best friend knows. Prime example: Eighth grade year when I started my period in Mr. Simm's class.
Truth be told, I was more anxious about finding out the gender today, I was really worried that Rowan would be disappointed. Should I be? No, because he told me he'd love Peanut no matter what, but that didn't mean it was the truth. He could have been just trying to placate me.
Shake that ass on the floor, bumpin' and grindi-- I quickly nabbed my phone with a red face and sighed.
"Nicky, I swear if you change my ring-tone one more time, I'll choke you. I have a doctor's appointment today, what would have happened if I was there?" I was irritated, but only slightly. Nick loved to get a rise out of me, and that was one sure fire way to do it.
"Oh, baby face. You're supposed to be courteous and turn your cell phone off in a doctor's office. Anywhore, I'm about to pull up, so hobble your shoe-less butt out here." Before I could argue he hung up and a horn honked outside. With a sigh, I did as he said. After years of being his friend, I knew it was pointless to ignore his demands. So barefoot I traipsed outside, eyeing a grinning Nick suspiciously.
"Why're you smiling like that?" I demanded, narrowing my eyes at him. It wasn't that I didn't trust him, per say, but I did know him really well. He had something up his sleeve.
"No reason. Shoes are in the back. Rowan said to get them a size larger because your feet are swollen. He's already there and the doctor is waiting for you."
I was curious as to how Rowan knew that I couldn't find my shoes, but didn't question it further. I just needed to get this over with.
"Breathe, Em. Either way, you've got a healthy baby inside of you, boy or girl."
"I know." But his assurance of a healthy baby didn't calm me whatsoever. I was allowed to be scared, nervous and unsure. I was afraid I was going to be a bad mother. I'd never even owned a puppy as a kid, mom and dad didn't think I could handle the responsibility. Probably correct in that assumption because when I'd moved in to the house with Rowan, I ended up having to throw out that plant I'd owned.
Talk about fabulous caretaker.
I guess it was natural to be worried, but I felt like somehow I was going to screw up being a parent.
It was too late to take it back now.
"We're here."
I couldn't breathe.
Oh, God.
I probably looked like a moron sitting there smiling at the pulsing screen, but I couldn't help it. There, in black in white, was a pulsing video of my child. At that moment, I'd never been so in love with something. Sure, I'd dealt with my first love and all the fiery passion of being sixteen, but this was something different. Peanut's heartbeat echoed through the room and I couldn't help but tear up a bit.
"Would you like to know the sex of the baby?"
I nodded along with Emilie's enthusiastic cry of 'yes!'. Part of me hoped that it would be a little girl, one to love and protect one to coddle and treat as my own princess. I wanted to give her the love that I'd seen my father show Reagan.
"Okay, guys. It looks like you're having a --"
I was wholly surprised by Emilie's sudden need to halt the process. She'd seemed more excited about this than I was, but now she wanted to stop seconds before we were about to find out?
"Rowan, I need you to tell me that you're not going to be disappointed if Peanut's a boy." She said this with her eyes closed, like she didn't want to see what my answer was.
"Em, why would I be disappointed?"
"...because it could be a boy."
I could only laugh at this. Sure, I was hopeful for a girl, but would I be upset if its a boy? Hell no. I was getting a healthy baby either way. A little piece of me and Emilie put together. I wasn't going to sweat gender. Plus, I'd already come up with a name for a boy.
"D-on't laugh a-at meee!" She was in tears at this point and I felt horrible.
"Baby, I'm not laughing at you. Don't cry, sweetheart." Okay, I really, really sucked with tears, but I was trying, right?
"Darlin' I'm gonna be happy either way this goes." I replied, pressing a hand to her tear streaked face.
"You promise?" She hiccuped, her gorgeous brown eyes shimmering hopefully at me. Was I really going to tell her no? I smiled reassuringly at her and leaned in to kiss her lightly on the lips causing her to gasp.
"I promise, baby."
With a nod she looked back at the doctor and I gripped her hand tightly in mine.
"We have a baby--"
"I love you, Emilie, but I swear to God if you don't tell me what gender my godchild is, I will hide all of the bananas and the barbecue sauce." This was no idle threat coming from Nick and I wondered how he found out about my newest obsession.
With a grin, I smiled and lifted up the accompanying bib in my hand.
"Seriously?" This excited screech came from my mother who was now pretty much sitting in my Daddy's lap. Dad was in tears and Mark looked like I had just given him the greatest gift ever.
"Name, now!" Nicky demanded, glaring at me playfully.
I smiled, looking over at Rowan with what my mother would later tell me was 'goo-goo' eyes, and mumbled a soft;
"Wyatt Alexander."
**** Well, its official! A boy! :D

Emilie's Baby
General Fiction"I think I might be in trouble, Nicky." I whispered, sitting on my bed. Nick sat with me, taking my hand in his and rubbing circles over the backs of my hands. He was attempting to comfort me in the only way he knew how at the moment. I knew he was...