Chapter 1

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Spider-Man was swinging around the New York skyline, spinning web after web, as he gracefully landed on the corner of a building rooftop.

"Boy, that's brisk," he shuddered, as he started rubbing his arms up and down for warmth. He looked down at the street below, to see regular people, just minding their business.

"Maybe I can call it an early night," he thought to himself, before a large, armored car came barreling dangerous down the street, swerving around traffic and making several people scream in the process.

Peter sighed. "Maybe not," he said, before jumping off the rooftop, swinging after it.

Meanwhile, inside the speeding car, two men were nervously watching over their backs, regularly checking the rearview mirrors as they sped away. "See any cops, man?" The driver asked.

"Nah man, I think we're in the clear," The passenger answered, looking at the driver.

"We just stole a car with, like, ten thousand dollars in it. We are so not in the clear."

"You worry too much," the passenger told his friend, before turning back to the window, to see Spider-Man's upside down masked face.

"Actually, I think he's worrying just the right amount," he quipped, making the man yelp in surprise. He then took out a pistol, shooting at the webhead, but missing as the hero disappeared from view.

"Crap man!" The driver panicked. "We got freaking Spider-Man on us?!"

Spidey poked his head back into view, this time on the driver's side. "This is the Spandex Traffic Police. I suggest pulling over before you guys have an accident. You know, besides the one in your pants."

The driver screamed in terror, as he started swerving harder, trying to shake Spider-Man off. Peter crawled his way up the side of the large car, and stopped at the top of it. He looked in the direction they were going, to see an unaware man ahead of them, crossing the road.

"Oh no," he mumbled to himself, before springing forward off the top of the van, swinging towards the man. The man saw the headlights get closer, as he froze up in fear. Right before the vehicle could strike him though, Spider-Man grabbed him from the air, and safely landed back on the road, the man in his grip, as the car sped away.

"Oh my God!" The man exclaimed, as Peter let go. "You're Spider-Man!"

"Yep, nice to meet you," The webhead greeted. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I have to punch some bad guys in the face." With that, he shot a web, and began to swing away.

"Go get'em Spidey!" The man called after him.

Back in the car, the two crooks were frightened. "Is he gone?" The driver asked.

The passenger looked into the side view mirror, to see Spider-Man high above the roads, swinging after them, and quickly getting closer.

The passenger reloaded his gun. "He will be," he told the driver, before he rolled down the window and started shooting at the webhead.

Peter felt his head start to tingle, as he quickly avoided the bullets the thief was firing at him. "Gun violence? In New York!? Has the whole world gone mad!?" He dramatically asked himself, as he contorted his way out of the bullets' trajectory.

He landed once again on the top of the armored car, making it lose control for a split second. Suddenly, a bright light filled Spider-Man's opaque lenses, making him block the light with his arms for a second. When he put them back down, he saw that it came from the spotlight of a helicopter.

Peter stared at it for a second, before turning his attention back to the task at hand. "Gotta stop these guys before they hurt someone..." he muttered to himself, as he tried to think of a good plan.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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