taking a turn

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Taya wouldn't forget.

With the way things have been playing out she knew that this wasn't the last of it. In the past couple of years of her life, she has dealt with toxic or just straight up crazy men so she could say that she was a little experienced in that.

Now Taya would like to say that she accepted the red flags and moved on with her life but yet again her own feelings has failed her and she can't stop messing with this man. He was super attractive and pulling her in, honestly she really didn't know what to say to herself.

No one seemed to see it but she already witnessed all of the signs and more to come but at the same time she ignored them like she usually does, which never end well but whose to tell you how to live your life? To her it was just more exciting this way.

You see, Jungkook didn't always behave this way. Technically his behavior was a surprise to everyone as they always seen him as this young shy boy that stayed to himself so it was a shock to see him act so out of character.

Everyone was absolutely confused.

Maybe even a little terrified.


hours earlier

Taya honestly didn't know how she got here, one minute she was running around town out of boredom and the next she found herself at a party. Well in her defense, Rachelle texted her about having a small get together with a couple of her friends so she just naturally assumed it would just be a couple of people and a bottle of wine.

But now she takes back that thought now that she was at a full blown party that consisted of a bunch of white people that she didn't know, who seemed to not know what boundaries were considering that they were doing the most obnoxious shit ever.

Taya really wasn't one to judge but to see a white boy jump off his roof and into a expensive ass inground pool was pretty traumatizing for her, she didn't exactly want to see a dead body anytime soon. Surprisingly the music was good though, apparently whoever controlled the music knew of some good ass 90's throwbacks, Taya had to roll her eyes when she heard some girl say she didn't know any of the songs with a loud ass whine. She almost went back and let her have it, not physically though.

When she found Rachelle the girl was already wasted off her ass, swaying around as she hung off some tall man who kept smiling down at her. With the way he was staring it looked like Rachelle might've found herself someone to mooch on.

As she looks around she wondered how Rachelle could surround herself with these kind of people because all they seemed to do was mess around and do outlandish things, she could tell by the way there was a naked couple chasing each other around with wide grins and Taya couldn't help but to curl up her lip in disgust.

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