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I sat in the desk. I was only ten minutes late which is good. I'm not really into the whole on time thing. No matter how much I try I'm late

"Onika the counselor would like to see you" I frowned

"Alright" I stood up grabbing my bag. I walked out and to the office. The door was opened so I helped myself in "hey"

"Ms. Maraj, how are you" she smile "have a seat" I took a seat in front of her desk

"I'm good, how are you" I smile

"I'm okay" she pick up a form "do you know how far behind you are"

"Few assignments" she laughed passing me a paper. My grades were 26,43,38,32,12,60,48, and a 20.

"This is last semester. It's impossible for you to get a full credit for any class. Even a hundred wouldn't do you any justice" damn. I couldn't even get a hundred. I'm not that smart

"So I'm done for? It's no way I can pass" I ask

"Summer school" Damn "and if you do well before grades are due then I can allow you to walk the stage come May but you would not get a diploma until you finish summer school"

Do I have a choice? "Okay I can do that"

"Maraj you really have to do better. It's just your attendance that's in the way, home problems?" Why is that always the go to?

"No I just be tired" I admit "but I promise my attendance will change. Like today I was on time"

"You were ten minutes late" she laugh

"My driver got stuck in the parking lot. It's so many people being dropped off" I complain

She started laughing "as long as you try I'll be here to help you, have you thought of college"

"I'm not going"

She nodded "what do you want to do after graduation"

"Live" I answer "can I get back to class? I'm already behind"

"Okay but Maraj I want 100%" I nodded and got out

Me: can we go to lunch today

Getting back to class I opened my journal ready to take some notes.

Unknown: James will pick you up

mine🥰: good morning baby I love you


I walked out and James was right in front of the school standing outside of the truck "hey short stuff"

"James fuck yourself" he opened the back door

"Watch your mouth Onika" I smiled at Beyoncé as I climbed into the truck.

"Hey Bey" James closed the door

"Hey Onika, how was school" I sat my bag on the floor

"It was good. I talked with my counselor and she's going to help me graduate"

"That's amazing really. You make sure you stay focus. I'll help you" when she isn't being a jerk she's so sweet

"Make sure I note that" her smile is so beautiful it goes well with those eyes "what are we eating"

"What do you want" Beyoncé ask

"Italian please" she nodded "did you hear that James? We want Italian"

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