00𝟐. with special guest star, sadness!

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chapter two
with special guest star, sadness!

THE DOOR PERCY HAD PULLED HER THROUGH led down a dark hallway. They heard sounds down the hall, something like scuffling followed by a pained grunt.

Lennon looked to Percy, about to ask whether they should get out their weapons but her question was answered when he let go of her hand and uncapped his pen. It grew into a bronze sword that glowed faintly in the dark hallway.

She pushed up her sleeve, taking her dagger from its sheath and brandishing it. The dagger was a basic one, given to her by Lee Flecther from Athena cabin's shed of weapons. The words κρυμμένο were engraved on the side. Roughly translated to Hidden One. Which she guessed was a pretty good description since they'd found the dagger tucked away in a corner of the shed.

Lennon knew that one thing was clear as the two ventured down the dark hallway. There would be a fight.

"Do we have a plan?" She whispered to him.

"Find the Di Angelos and go from there,"

Lennon glanced at him. "That's not much of a plan,"

He shushed her again, "Just follow me,"

"Fine... but don't shush me again,"

Eventually, they reached a door and when they opened it they saw the Di Angelos. They stood there frozen in horror, staring straight at them.

"We're here to help you," Lennon said. "Are you okay?" There was no response from them.

Percy lowered the tip of his sword saying, "It's okay. We're not going to hurt you."

Their eyes were full of fear and that just worried Lennon. She hadn't actually imagined what they would do if they refused to come with them.

"My name's Percy, this is Lennon. We're going to take you out of here, get you somewhere safe."

The girl, Bianca, widened her eyes. Her fists clenched. Lennon only realized what was going on a second too late. There was a loud sound and Percy was slammed into a wall.

A cold laugh echoed and Dr. Thorn spoke. "Yes, Perseus Jackson," Okay Lennon knew they were in a serious situation but, Perseus? She'd never actually heard his full name. "I know who you are."

    This Dr

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This Dr. Thorn guy was very fast, very annoying, and very inconsiderate.

"What are you doing, Jackson?" He hissed. "Keep moving!"

Lennon looked at him incredulously. "You injured him and now you're mad he's not moving fast enough?"

Percy winced, "It's my shoulder, it burns." He sounded miserable.

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