0𝟏𝟑. happy birthday, among other things

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happy birthday, among other things

THE TREK FROM APOLLO CABIN to the big house on this particular day was usual for Lennon Hart. Camp was starting to wake up, much like Lennon. Her hair was pulled up in a ponytail, she wore a Star Wars shirt that she had stolen from Lee Fletcher and sweatpants. The February morning chill blew through the campgrounds.

    Eventually, she made her way to the big house, finding Chiron in the small office at the back of the house.

    "The call is already set up," he said.

    "Thank you,"

    He contemplated his next words and then said, "You'll five minutes. Play nice this time, she's your mother,"

    "If only she'd act like it," Lennon said bitterly, moving into the room.

    Chiron looked at her with a sad look but continued down the hall.

    Lennon sat down in the desk chair at the computer in front of her. On the computer screen was the image of her mother.

    Lori Hart was the image of perfection. It may have been three hours earlier in California but she was dressed for business. She had the same dark hair as Lennon, but her's had light brown highlights. Though Lennon couldn't see her full outfit, she was no doubt dressed like the no-nonsense businesswoman she was.

    "Lennon, dear how are you?"

    "Great, mom," she answered flatly.

    "Happy Birthday," Her mother smiled at her. "Your present has already been shipped to camp so you should get it soon. How's life at camp?"

    I learned I'm destined for a life of tragedy, went on a life-threatening quest, and made friends along the way! "The same as it's always been, mom,"

    Lennon and her mother rarely speak, hence why she never told her about her curse. Not that she would anyway. Why bother her mother with that when she wouldn't be around to see it?

    "How's songwriting going?"

    "It's okay,"

    Her mother frowned at her dry response. "How's your brother Julian? You don't talk about him as much as you used to,"

    "That's because you and I rarely talk at all,"

    "Well, whose fault is that?" She said loudly.

    And there it was. Her mother's fake attempt at caring was thrown away.

    "I'm trying to make conversation with you and you're not cooperating. Why can't we for once have a happy normal conversation?"

    "Because I don't want to talk to you! Frankly, that's why I dread birthday mornings because I have to fake peace with you,"

    Her mother sighed deeply. "We never see each other and you want to ruin the one time we do talk,"

    "I'd rather not talk to you at all but here we are!"

    Her mother stared her down, which was just as intimidating on screen as it would be in real life. "Fine Lennon. If you want out of this conversation so bad so be it. I have an early meeting to get to soon anyway. Bye Lennon,"

    "Goodbye mom," she clicked the button and hung up on the call. Lennon pushed back from the desk and sighed.

    Every conversation with her mother ended the same way. Lennon just couldn't bare talking to her mother for long periods. Which was ironic when she thought about it considering she used to wish that her mother would have a conversation with her. All those years of neglect had made Lennon loathe her mother and it seemed her mother just couldn't fathom it.

SUNSPEAKER, percy jackson.Where stories live. Discover now