What the heck is going on? 

"Adham. All of my... generousness led to this? What a waste of such a kind gesture!" Haru exclaimed, A boy was walking down the sidewalk and looked at the scene before him. 

"Dad! Shā sǐ duòluò zhě shì wéifǎ de! Yóuqí shì dāng nǐ shì xīxuèguǐ de fùqīn shí! And in front of Satan! Mom will have your head for this." the boy said. 

"M-Master? If you don't mind me asking, whatever happened to Lilith?" Adham inquired

"She sits on a throne above me. And so... does she." Haru pointed to Katrina. "I am Haru. Satan's oldest son. My mother is Lilith. And you...you need to keep your father in check, boy." Haru said.

"Yes, Sir. Come on Dad." the boy said. The boy and his father walked away. 

Who the heck was that? 

Classified information. 

What?! How are you in my head?! 

Katrina runs away. Not again. Haru starts to run and very quickly catches up to Katrina. 

"KATRINA STOP!" Haru said.

"I-I can't." Katrina replied. Haru teleports in front of Katrina. 

"Yes, you can." 

"No. I. Can't. You do not know my reasons nor will you understand them." 

"I could if you just tell me." 

"No. Now get out of my way." Haru sighed and teleported them both to Haru's secret bunker. "What the f⎼" 

"If you are planning to run away and hide you can stay here. I will bring you food, supplies, the likes." 

"Ok but..." 

"But what?" 

"Who was that man?" 

"We'll talk about that later." 

"No, I wanna know now!" 

"I said later!" 


Haru sighs and turns around, his blood-red eyes glowing. 

"What I say goes! And I say that we will never speak of it! You hear me?!" Haru's voice was demonic as he spoke his sentences. Katrina nods as Haru leaves. 

I hate him. 

Haru went to his father's office. He smiled at the guards standing before him. 

"Ràng wǒ jìnqù. Wǒ yǒu zhòng yào de shìqíng yào chǔlǐ. Shì guānyú nàgè nǚhái de." Haru said. The guards moved aside and bowed. Meanwhile with Katrina she walked around the bunker until she heard a strange noise. She walked outside. When she walked outside there is the very same man from the alley. 

"You again?"Katrina asks. Katrina teleports behind him and puts him in a position where one move could break his neck. "I need answers now." 

"He didn't tell you anything huh?" Adham asked.

"I said I need answers and I need them now." 

"Master would kill me if I told you. Then I would have to suffer in the pits down under." Katrina lets go of him and shoves him out. Katrina walks back in the bunker.

"Ya byl tak blizko!" Katrina exclaimed.

Meanwhile with Haru and Satan. 

"Father, I am afraid the market will have to be shut down. Werewolves and vampires poison the place, making it seem...unnecessary." Haru said. The boy from the day before walked in, wearing a dark black suit, his auburn locks brushed back. Nolan walked in behind him and smiled.

The Sons of the Devil and a Demon are my MastersWhere stories live. Discover now