4: Yeah, sure it's measles.

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Emmalyn POV

"Time to get up." Nanny McPhee's voice says clearly. I groan, curling up in ball. 

"No.." Simon grunts. "Hm. I shall give you half an hour to be up, washed, dressed, teeth cleaned, beds made and out into the garden for healthful fresh air before breakfast. Lessons start at nine... sharp." Nanny McPhee walks out. I sit up, yawning. I grab my clothes, which was overall shorts, a white and black striped shirt, and my boots. I walk to the bathroom lazily, quickly washing up. I brush my teeth, brushing out my hair and putting it up in a bun. My side fringe was clipped back. I get dressed, walking out to the bedroom. "I don't know about you lot, but I want to stay in bed." Simon stretches, "Sebastian, run the thermometer under the hot tap. Chrissy,chalk. Eric, crayons. Lily, Pepper." He orders. I make my bed, it was the neatest.

I sit in front of the mirror, putting my cinnamon scented skin cream on, and vanilla scented perfume. "How do you know she won't do something horrid to us?" Tora asks. "I worked it out, she's a trained hypnotist. That's how she made us do those things. Don't look directly at her and she can't hypnotise us-" I snort."Emma what are you doing?" Simon asks.

"Getting reading, I'm gonna go into town." I stand up. "TAKE ME WITH YOU!" Chrissy begs. "Chissy, you have chores. Anyway, I'm just going with Evangeline to get food." They all get up, tackling me to the ground in hugs. "BYE!" Chrissy yells, before they all go back to making themselves 'sick'. 

I stand up, brushing myself off. I walk downstairs, to see Evangeline ready. "Let's go." I Say, walking outside with Evangeline following. We walk into town, talking and laughing. 


Evangeline and I come back, she takes everything down to the kitchen. I got my siblings gifts. Aggie, a teddy. Chrissy, a cute pair of flats. Lily, a copy of The Complete: Grimm's Farytales. Tora, a bottle of rose scented perfume. Eric, a science kit, don't ask. Sebastian, a kite. And Simon, a new jacket. I got random things. I walk upstairs to see my siblings struggling to get up. "Well well well." I chuckle. They stop, looking at me. "EMMA HELP US!!!!" Lily cries. "Nah. You put yourself in this position. You get out of it yourself. But, I got presents!" I wave the bag around. They all cheer, but Simon. He just smiles."First, little Aggie. A new teddy, because Eric beheaded her other one." I place the teddy next to her, and she gurgles happily. "Chrissy, a new pair of shoes." 

"Sebastian, a kite."

"Eric, a science kit." He giggles evilly.

"Tora, rose scented perfume." 

"Lily, a book of Grimm's fairytales." 

"And Simon, a new jacket, seeing as your other one has a gigantic hole in it." 

        I sit on my bed. "Thanks Emma!" They all chorus. I smirk. "You all sound fine."

"No! we're very sick." Sebastian coughs. "I see. I'll go ask Mrs. Blatherwick to make some broth." I chuckle cheekily, walking away as they yell for me stop and don't do it. "Oh, Mrs. Blatherwick!" I Sing, walking into the kitchen. "Hello?" Her voice yells. "Would you mind cooking up a special soup or broth for my dear siblings?" 

A jubilant expression washes over her face. "I used to be in the armed forces, ya know. Kept the men strong. Will do, Miss!" She grins wistfully.

I walk out, back upstairs. 

"You are evil." Simon glares. "You are sick. You need food." I say innoccently, sitting on the windowsill. 

"You are meant to be kind to the children with measles, Emma. We are sick." Eric groans. "Yeah, sure its measles." I roll my eyes. "Sing for us?" Chrissy asks. "I don't know, you seem like you need sleep." I say sarcastically. "Please? When we go to sleep?"  Tora begs. "Okay fine."

Mrs. Blatherwick comes in with a pot. I got a plater of steak, mashed potato, veggies and a glass of milk. "Why does she get that?"  Sebastian whines. "Well, I'm not sick, am I?"

A splash comes from Eric's bed, as I realise he got a big lump of turkey neck.  "Get That down you, theres a lot of goodness in a turkey neck. That'll put the hairs back on your chest." Mrs. Blatherwick finishes serving out the broth thing, and marches down. "Smell that. That is the smell that forged this empire. That pong, Is the pong of conquerors. All right men, as you were." Mrs. Blatherwick salutes. I eat my dinner cheekily. "They actually are starving us." Lily sighs. "I wonder how long it will take for us all to die." Tora groans.

"Have you lot been in bed all day?" Evangeline asks, walking in. I chuckle. "Obviously excluding Emmalyn." 

"Evangeline!" Lily says happily. Chrissy and Sebastian were curled up next to me, hugging my waist. I was reading. "You've been doing measles, haven't you?" Evangeline sighs. 

Eric walks over and sits on my bed too. "This situation's very simple, Evangeline.The Nanny, who in my opinion is a witch, made us ill and fed us boiled-down toads." Eric lays across my legs. "Nanny McPhee is not a witch, Eric." I chuckle. "You're very naughty for saying so." Evangeline adds. "I'm sure she knew what she was doing. She must be fully trained." 

"Yes, but as what?" Eric covers his eyes with his arm. "I'm unbelievably hungry, Evangeline." Tora whines. "Can you please get us something decent to eat?" Sebastian buds in. "Did you just say 'please'?"  Evangeline gasps. "They say many things, Evangeline." I sigh out of boredom, turning my page. "Please, please Evangeline/Emmalyn!" They all chorus. "Wait, why am I included in this?" I frown. "Because You love us so much to feed us?" Chrissy suggests. "Eh. I dunno." 

"Well children. I hear you've been in bed all day. But that you're better now." Papa says walking in.

"It wasn't our fault!" Simon argues. "I'm  sure it wasn't anybody's fault. You can't help it if your ill. But you're better now." 

"Papa?"  Chrissy asks, sitting up. "Yes, Chrissy?" 

"Now that we're better, can we get up?"  

"Of course you can." 

Chrissy stands up and walks over to her bed, grabbing a book of fairytales. "Read to us?" She asks.

"I, erm... I have my letter-writing to do. I.... I'll read to you tomorrow. Goodnight my dears." Papa walks out. I sigh. 

"Evangeline, please ask cook to make the children scrambled eggs on toast. I'm sure they'd like supper, seeing as they're feeling better." Nanny McPhee says.

"I'll do it myself, Nanny McPhee." Evangeline smiles, as they both walk out.

"Didn't she have two of those bumpy things?" Tora asks. "Tora, that's rude. And, they are called warts."  I answer. "Traditonally associated with witches, as it happens." Eric walks to his bed. "Well, one of 'em's gone.." Tora sighs.

"Could you sing now?" Lily asks, looking at me. "I guess so." I shrug. 

I think for a moment. "Loola-bye or a different lullaby?" 

"A different one?"  Sebastian says shyly. "sure."

"There was a time when men were kind

When their voices were soft
And their words inviting
There was a time when love was blind
And the world was a song
And the song was exciting
There was a time.........
Then it all went wrong.......

I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high
And life worth living
I dreamed that love would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving

Then I was young and unafraid
So dreams were made and used and wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung
No wine untasted

But the tigers come at night
With their voices soft as thunder
As they tear your hope apart
And they turn your dream to shame

He slept a summer by my side
He filled my days with endless wonder
He took my childhood in his stride
But he was gone when autumn came
And still I dream he'll come to me
That we will live the years together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather

I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed
The dream I dreamed......"


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