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Knock knock. 
"Hmphh..?" He mumbles.
Knock knock knock.
"Alex. Wake up! It's 3 PM."
Alex's jolts up as his eyes widen, "Oh shit." he thought.
"I'm up!" he yelled. "Sorry ma!". His mom quickly replied,
"You're fine, just clean your room today please. I'll call you for dinner."

Alex rubs his eyes and does a comically cartoonish stretch. 
"I wanted to be productive today. Whatever." he thinks, as he looks himself in the mirror, and tosses on an oversized shirt his mom bought him.
"I've never even heard of this band but it's still nice. I appreciate her."
Alex had recently been having some trivial issues with him and his mother's relationship, but he's trying to make the best of it. It's been pretty hard on his mental in the past few weeks but he's sure it'll get better, it always does.

Alex unplugs his phone which he put to charge last night and lays back down in bed. He hadn't been very lucky recently making friends, as he was in online school for the past 2 years. Thankfully, he had made some friends within the last month and tries to talk to them as often as possible. He first opens his messages to see if anyone has sent him anything. "Oh?" Alex thinks.
He has 1 notification. Alex opens the app, wondering who it could be, and he realizes it's just a verification code from something he signed up for he forgot to mark as read. "Well. Alright then."

He's been bored lately, "Why not message a friend or two? Maybe make some plans." he thinks.
Alex swipes down to find his friend Klee, they hadn't messaged in a while, but they see eachother most school days. He starts typing, "Hey, you available? Do you want to hang out maybe?" .... 10 seconds pass .... 30 seconds pass .... a minute passes .... 3 minutes pass .... Alex turns off his phone, "I guess he doesn't.". This didn't make much sense as it was still clearly on delivered,  but Alex didn't care, his inner dialogue was very unhealthy, and he'd constantly convince himself of these things that almost surely were not true.

DING! Alex jumps a little, he pulls his forearm off his face and turns his phone back on, quickly typing in the password. A message from Klee? Hopefully. He scrambles to find his messages app, hoping for an answer. It reads, "hi ! <3 maybe but not sure, i can ask my parents if u wanna?". Alex is flooded with a feeling of relief. "Oh. I guess I rushed to conclusions, Klee wouldn't hate me.". He quickly types a message back "Oh yeah of course!! Only if you want to though!!!". The message instantly becomes read. Alex waits. 10 seconds pass .... 20 seconds pass ... "NO! Stop counting. They'll reply soon, not good for me." Alex tells himself.

Alex was right to tell himself to stop, Klee messages back a minute or so later. "hey man, i can't hang out today because my parents wanna do game night :( but i can tomorrow if you'd like !!".
Alex isn't really upset, as he knows Klee's parents love to do that type of thing, and was expecting it a little. "Yeah of course!!" He replies. "Do you want to go to the lake tomorrow? Then hang out at the gas station, or my place? :)".

Klee instantly responds "id love that!!! see u then loser. 2 pm". A grin splays across Alex's face, he thinks to himself, "I missed talking to them, now what do I do". Alex gets up and throws some old shoes on, he's not much of a shoe guy, or even a fashion guy. "Mom! I'll clean my room when I get back, I'm going for a ride really quick!" he yells. His mom yells from her room, "You got it, be back by 6!". Alex grabs his shoulder bag and slips on some bracelets. He opens the door but as he's leaving he flips himself back around with his grip on the door and looks at himself in the mirror. He pushes his hair back, "And, voulais."

He jogs out the front door and unchains his bike, he had no clear goal of where to go, he just loved exploring.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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