The Ray and The Pebble | pt.1

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Symin's POV:

Recently, Purah has been working on something. She thinks it's a great idea, but I have some concerns about it.

In the past, I've been able to talk her out of risky experiments. However, with this, I have failed repeatedly to stop her. She just won't listen. Purah is very determined to do this.

3rd POV:

"Purah I don't think this is a good idea." Symin says, walking over to the table where Purah is sitting. She is in the process of building a mini prototype of her anti-aging ray.

"Oh shut up, it'll be fine! You worry too much Symin." She says without even turning to look at him.

~ Time Skip ~ 5 days ~

After a mere 5 days, the ray is almost complete. However, Symin is still against the idea. He decides to take one last shot at convincing Purah not to go through with it. He makes his way over to Purah's side of the room.

"Listen Purah, I know you are determined to get this to work, but I REALLY don't think this is a good idea." He says as he picks up a few papers off the floor and stacks them neatly on the desk.

"Symin! How many times must I tell you? ITS FINE! And quit touching my stuff, i wont be able to find anything if you move it." Purah says, annoyed.

"Come on Purah, please listen to me! This is a bad idea!"


"Well for one, you haven't spent enough time working on it, making it dangerous and unstable. You haven't put in enough time to work out the bugs or anything. Also, in case you haven't noticed, WE DON'T HAVE THE SHEIKAH SLATE! Without it, we can't guarantee the ray will function properly. I say we should at least wait until Link shows up with the slate."

"I DON'T CARE!! Sheikah Slate or not, I WILL finish this ray and it WILL work! AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP ME!!" She yells.



Symin stands there, slightly shocked at the way Purah lashed out at him for only trying to help. After a moment of silence, Purah turns back to her work and says something calmly.

"You are getting on my nerves and making it harder for me to focus on this. I need you to leave me alone until I get this done." She says.

"Fine then. I will, but I still don't think this is a good idea." He turns and walks out the side door. Symin makes his way up the stairs outside, muttering to himself.

On the way up, he nearly trips. Symin looks down to see what caused this. He bends over and picks up a pebble.

"Stupid rock-" he mumbles as he chucks it away, not paying attention to where it flys.

"Oh, Purah. She never listens to me. I already know this is gonna end badly but there's no way I'm gonna be able to stop her." He says as he opens the door to his bedroom.

He lays down on his bed with a sigh, rubbing his face. As he stares at the ceiling, he allows himself to think more about the current situation.

She hasn't put nearly enough time and preparation into this ray. I have a bad feeling that something is going to go wrong, but she's not gonna believe me if I tell her that. I just hope she doesn't end up dead because she didn't listen to me. That would be bad. If Link were to show up and she was dead, that would further complicate things for him because he would have to go all the way up to Robbie for assistance with the Sheikah Slate. No, that wouldn't work. Robbie turned his guidance stone into a machine that produces ancient armor, it can't modify a Sheikah Slate! Well, I suppose there is the one here. Problem is, I don't know how to use it. Only Purah does, so if she dies, Link is screwed. So is the rest of the kingdom for that matter. If Link doesn't have access to the Sheikah Slate modifications, he may not be able to successfully defeat Ganon.

Symin then stops himself. He's probably just over thinking it anyways. Everything will be fine. Right?

He turns off the lamp beside his bed and gets under the covers. Maybe a nap will help ease his mind. As he drifts off, he has only one thought:

Everything will NOT be fine.


~ Time Skip ~ 2 days ~

Symin had decided that it would be best to steer clear of Purah for the past 2 days. He spent the whole time in his room, over thinking things.

That is exactly what he is doing when there is a knock at his door.

He stands up from his desk and stretched, then walks over to the door. Upon opening it, he is greeted with Purah standing there, an apologetic look on her face.

"Can I talk to you?" She says, looking down.

"Uh, sure, come in I guess?" He steps aside to let her into his room.

She walks in and looks around before sitting down at the desk. She take note of how clean his room is compared to hers.

The notes and drawings attached to the walls are perfectly lined up, not a single one on an angle.

His bed nicely made with clean sheets.

There are papers that are neatly stacked into a pile on one corner of the desk, and a white quill standing on the other.

The books on his bookshelf are organized by topic, each shelf being something different. Then, they go alphabetically.

Purah thinks about how different it is from hers. Her room has papers everywhere. Over half her books sit open on the floor in front of her bookshelf, which wasn't organized to begin with.

Suddenly, Purah is snapped out of her thoughts by none other than Symin.

"Did you come here to talk to me or stare at the wall?" He questions.

"Oh, right! Uhm... I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry for the way I lashed out at you the other day. I didn't mean to be rude, I was just annoyed. Also, the ray is done and I need your help."

Symin laughs in his head, knowing that she is probably only apologising so that he will be more willing to help her. He is about to speak when Purah cuts him off.

"If you don't help me I'll fire you!"

"I was going to say yes..."

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