The Ray and The Pebble | pt. 2

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"I was going to say yes..."


The two walk down the stairs, then through the door of the lab. He follows Purah over to a machine.

"Ok so first I need you to help me move this outside. I don't want to cause any damage in here." She says as she grabs one end of the machine. Symin grabs onto the other.

It takes them ten minutes of bickering, walking, readjusting, near tripping, bumping into things, and almost dropping the ray repeatedly before they put it down outside.

Symin takes a moment to clear the area around the ray, while Purah stands in front of it waiting.

He walks over to the ray. When Purah gives him the thumbs up, he hits the button. The ray powers on for a second and begins glowing blue. However, it immediately powers back down.

The two stand there for a moment, confused. Then, Purah realises what is wrong.

"Symin I think the flame is burning out. Go fix it before it goes out completely." She instructs.

He nods and makes his way over to the ancient furnace. Sure enough, the flame is slowly burning out. Symin quickly tends to the flame and gets it back to full strength.

He turnz around and begins walking back to the ray, but almost trips. The motion nearly puts the flame out.

Symin bends down a picks up the exact pebble he nearly tripped over Two days before. Annoyed, he picks it up and chucks it over his shoulder, then walks back to the furnace. Unfortunately, throwing that pebble is a grave mistake, because what happens next was quite tragic...

He goes to tend to the flame, but as he approaches, it flares up. For a second, it is much more powerful than it usually is, but then it goes back to normal. This shouldn't have been a problem since they haven't activated the ray yet. However, things never go their way.

As Symin approaches the furnace, the pebble that he had thoughtlessly chucked behind him is headed straight for the ray.

The timing is impeccable.

At the very second the flame flares up, the pebble hits the button on the ray and gets jammed. Of course, this activates the ray. The sudden flare up sends an extremely powerful discharge of energy through the machine, causing it to go haywire. It fires a beam of energy.

Purah is terrified, but all she can do is stand there, frozen, as the ray sends a beam out of it. It w
Is much more powerful than it is supposed to be.

Once she realises what is going on, she makes a sad and unsuccessful attempt to jump out of the way. She still gets hit.

"PURAH!" Symin runs towards her. She is laying on the ground, awake.

"Are you alright?"

"Wha~? Uh yeah I'm fine..."


"WHAT!?" Purah screams as she looks in the mirror. "WhA~? I-I don't understand! Why has nothing changed?? WAS THE RAY SO POWERFUL THAT IT DIDN'T WORK AT ALL?"

Needless to say, she is disappointed. Actually, she's quite upset at the fact that the ray showed no results.

"Uh, Symin? I'm gonna go take a nap. I'm very angry and after spending so much time working on that and have it not work, I need to take a break for a while" She says gloomily as she makes her way up to her own room.

Purah lays down in her bed and slowly drifts off to sleep.

Let's just say she is in for a surprise when she awakes...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2022 ⏰

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