Chapter 19

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Ohm woke smiling. He was dreaming about being snuggled up with Fluke and how good it felt. He was bound by his promise but that didn't mean he didn't feel the pull to be with Fluke.

He had known since high school he was bisexual. For some reason, he had never had the soul searching agony so many did. He just knew and he was okay with it. Who cared if someone else didn't like it? It wasn't their life.

There was something about Fluke though that just clicked. They understood each other. Accepted each other. Anticipated each other. Ohm had never experienced anything like it and he never wanted to let it go.

While all these thoughts swirled around in Ohm's head, he was slowly waking up. He didn't want to leave the dream. A yawn and he began to shift for a langorous stretch when he realized his left arm wasn't moving.

Glancing over there was Fluke, asleep and curled up against Ohm with his head on Ohm's arm. His first thought was panic. 'I said I wouldn't- wait a minute. I'm still on my side of the sleeping bag. Did he snuggle up to me? It wasn't a dream? YES!'

Ohm's smile could have lit up half the city. He relaxed and stayed right where he was. He wasn't sure if Fluke had done it on purpose or in his sleep but he was going to make sure he realized it was just fine. Ohm settled in to watch Fluke.

A while later, Fluke rubbed his eye and threw his arm over the warmth beside him. 'If I act like I'm asleep can I hold him a bit longer?' Fluke wondered drowsily. He doubted it but hey, it was worth a try. What he didn't expect was for an arm to reach across and hold him closer. He was suddenly very awake. He couldn't help but peek upward.

Ohm was looking at him and wearing a huge smile. Fluke was stunned. He was just watching him. Holding him. And smiling. The slender man couldn't help but smile back. "You - you don't mind?" he asked softly.

"Not in the slightest." Ohm replied. He laid his head on top of Fluke's. If there was a better way to start the day, he didn't know what it could be.

The two of them laid there until Ohm's stomach growled loudly which made them both laugh. "Guess we should get up and eat, huh?" Ohm asked.

"Okay." Fluke scrubbed at his face. Honestly, he didn't want to let go of Ohm but eventually they were going to have to get up. Might as well be now.

Ohm began to sit up. "Come on, Fluke. We've got a lot to do today."

Fluke just smiled at him. 'He snuggled me back. And he smiled about it. YES! There's a chance. Definitely a chance" Mentally, he high fived himself. He couldn't stop the enormous smile all over his face.

As Fluke was having his happy moment, Ohm was reaching into a pocket he had sewn into the sleeping bag. He carefully pulled out an ankle holster and handed it to Fluke.

"Food in a minute. Show me." Ohm declared.

Fluke had just nodded and taken the holster. He pulled the small pistol making sure it was pointed away from Ohm. In a few moments he had verified the safety was on then unloaded the two .410 shotgun shells from the barrels.

"Now, tell me." Ohm requested.

"A Century 2000 Derringer. Fully loaded it has two shots. It uses either .45 long colt bullets or .410 shotgun shells. You use .410 shotgun shells because it hits more people to maximize the chance of us escaping. These .410 shells are special though. There are 4 large beebees in each as well as the usual shot making them lethal at close range. Optimal range is no more than 15 ft. The hammer has to be cocked each time you wish to fire. That sound can be used as an intimidation factor and may make it unnecessary to actually fire the gun." His voice was low and soft so no one else could hear him. Fluke chewed his lip. "Did I forget anything?"

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