Chapter 6

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Hey guys I hope you guys have had a great weekend I don't have much to say in the beginning of this so let's get into it!

12:30 P.M.

Midoriya did not expect to see both Bakugou and Uraraka on the common room couch in a heated makeout session. The two love birds broke the kiss up, neither of the two expecting anyone up.
"Guess you don't need my help anymore Uraraka?"Midoriya questioned.
Uraraka being embarrassed stuffed her head into the Pomeranian's chest and nodded.
Bakugou was extremely confused.
"What the hell are you two going on about?!"
Midoriya just chuckled, "Well she had asked me 3 months ago to see if I could help her talking to you." And with that Midoriya left to take a shower.
"You wanted his help with me? I ain't that bad though." Bakugou never got an answer. All he got was a nodd from his girlfriend.

(With Midoriya)

Midoriya stepped out of the shower with a set of comfortable clothes. He got to his room and felt his phone buzz. He entered the room and payed down and looked at the message

Hey nerd you still need my help with that "date" with ponytail?

It's not a date's a simple hangout

It's a date know when you are leaving?

TBH I have no clue I never thought that I'd get this far...
Hold on

Midoriya went from the chat from Bakugou to the one with Momo.

(With Momo)

Momo had woken up to her phone going off. She took her phone of her nightstand and opened it to see a message from Midoriya

Hey Momo I don't think that I'd ask but when did you want me to pick you up?
Would 7 or 7:30 work for you?

Sure! It gives me some time to get ready
Where are we going?

Well...that is a surprise...
Don't wear anything too fancy

Ok! See you soon!

(Back to the chat between Midoriya and Bakugou)

It is a go!

You didn't answer the original message...when are you leaving???

Sorry...I am going to be picking her up at 7 or 7:30

Do you have an outfit?

Yeah I got something in my closet...I just don't remember what I have

You don't remember what you have?!?

I haven't looked in the closet yes I don't remember

Is that what you need my help with???

Just be over here by 5:45

--StrongBroccoli has logged off--

Hey everyone this is where I am going to end it here. I am sorry that this is not much for dialogue wise but the next part is going to be dialogue heavy...with a few time skips...but thanks for reading this so far
As always vote and comment!
Peace out 😁👌

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