3 | bobble heads

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Have you ever driven in a car with a bobble head on the dash?

I have once. In my Uncle's station wagon.

Weird dude. Ugly car.

He had a thing for shows on the History Channel. Uncle David had a Chum-Lee bobble head from Pawn Stars that he'd won in Vegas that he'd glued to the dash.

As a kid I'd sit in the back seat and if I was bored of imagining an invisible man racing our car, I'd watch the bobble head...bobble.

Right now it feels as if my head has done nothing but bobble and ache for seven years non stop.

I blink a few times holding my hand to the space between my brows to relieve whatever pressure is there. It helps for a second before the throbbing decides to start again.

Turning over in the sheets, I tuck them underneath my chin. My eyes open again and I realize I'm not in my room. A knot immediately forms in my stomach as I slowly sit up, having to squeeze my eyes shut to help with the pain in my head. I don't recognize anything. I don't even remember going home with someone.

The pain subdues barely as I push the sheets down to reveal I'm not in my leggings or sweater.

"Shit," I say to myself as I realize I'm in a strange house, in someone's shirt and no one's beside me.

"Shit," I repeat as I shove my hair out of my face, throwing off the covers. Adrenaline spikes through me as I dig about the room looking for my clothes. They're gone.

The knot grows bigger in my stomach and my head ache seems to lighten up, only because I'm stressed and more worried about where I am. I walk over to the door, pressing my ear to it but I don't hear anything from the other side.

I take a step away from the door and take a deep breath. My hand reaches for the knob and as I start to turn it, it begins to turn from the other side. Startled, I jump back bringing my hands to my face as the door swings open to reveal Fez. His blue eyes take in my terrified state and I put a hand on the wall as I catch my breath. I begin to relax and as I remember our flirting from last night I feel the pink rise in my cheeks.

"You good?" he asks setting down a cup of water and shot glass with two white pills in it, down on the shelf.

I nod as I walk over and sit at the edge of the bed. Fez kneels down on the ground in front of me and I feel relaxed as his blue eyes search mine. My head still aches but I'm still on edge as he leans forward. My hands move to the end of the shirt I'm wearing pulling it at the ends. He takes my face in his hands, I'm assuming to look into my pupils, and nods before standing up. The warm press of his hands still on my cheeks as he grabs the glass of water and pills.

"You puked literally all over your clothes last night. Wasn't about to let you sleep up in my bed covered in puke," Fed says with a nod to the shirt I'm in as he hands me the water and pills.

"Oh thank you," I say with a small nod, embarrassment creeping onto my face as I look at the pills in the glass.

"What are these?" I ask and he shakes his head with a small laugh.

"Aspirin, nothing to crazy," he teased nodding again encouraging me to drink. I take a small sip of water and take the pills one by one.

"Thank you," I say as Fez takes the glasses from me, setting them back on the shelf. I let my head fall into my hands, my fingers pressed to my temples as I feel Fez sit on the bed beside me. Our thighs touching as I sit back up.

"So you got roofied," Fez says as I stare at the wall in front of me. I nod, my eyes fixed on the wood. My face burns from blushing as I feel Fez staring at the side of my face.

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