Act 1: The start

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Started 1/20/2022

Mia looked out the window and sighed because she was quite bored and she didn't know what to do for the day. Of course, being a Mafia boss and having the luxury of the world she could just buy anything she wanted to get rid of her bored state. But the problem is she already has bought everything, every single thing from the world, even the smallest of things. " ugh why is life so boring" she yelled out her beautiful balcony.

She then decided to go to the city where all the peasants lived (all the ordinary people) . Maybe she can find some fun there. She walked down her beautiful and well made stairs every step she walked down was a huge price to pay. All the steps were made by rare gold founded in the deepest of caves which took years for humankind to find.

But Mia being the riches she made them into her stepping stones not second thinking how these rare gemstones can save one whole nation of poverty. As Mia finally finished walking down the stairs one of her many servants came and greeted her. They then opened the door to Mia's beautiful organized garage. " Lady Mia, which car shall you take today?" the servant said with no emotion, almost as if they were a robot.

Mia walked around examining every car. She put her hand on her chin while squinting her eyes "Hmmm" she said. Her eyes then slowly moved to her most prize winning car in her collection. " I'll take my barbie car" she excitedly said, almost jumping at the excitement. The servant gave her a small smile , almost a noticeable smile. Mia walked in her barbie car brushing off a little dirt ,the barbie car had since the last time she used it she was partying with her best friend in the world wendy until they fell off a cliff and got in a car crash.

But since they were both rich and can both actually afford the hospital they manage to survive...sadly . The servant pressed the button on the remote which opened the humongous garage door to open. Mia started up the car and drove through all her other cars destroying them in the process. She shrugged it off because she can just tell her servants to replace them. She went 200 miles per hour and destroyed lots of cars and probably killed lots of people in the process.

She went far downhill since her mansion was quite isolated from society. Mia then made it to the small city where all the poor people were and she tried to find a parking area. After a while of trying to find an area she then decided to crush another store as her parking spot. Mia got out of her car, she cringed at the disgusting pavement on the ground. "Ew i'm gonna have to throw these GUCCI shoes away after I leave this filthy place".

Mia walked and walked. She decided to head to a market and see what disgusting foods these people ate. She finally arrived and went inside, the sliding doors opening when she entered. Mia felt the horrible market aroma get into her nose. She almost was about to leave but was determined to stay because she is a strong person. As she walked through aisle to aisle she saw all the different rotten foods these humans ate, she almost felt pity for these animals. But ignoring all of this she still bought something from the store, what she bought was a type of snack called pirate booty.

She at least wanted to try something from this Market that was part of ancient piece of history. Mia went to the cashier. The man working there was tall and slender looking; he had black hair and a pale face. He looked like he went to the gym every week since his arms were toned fairly well . He also had a quite attractive face. Mia almost fell for him until she saw the crosses on his ear. Mia sighed in disappointment thinking this man was religious, she bought the pirate booty and walked out the store. Something she didn't notice was the guy looking at her while biting his bottom lip. Mia drove her car to the nearest park.

She really didn't mind the park since she did have her private park at home. She parked her barbie car on a tree and hopped off. Mia went to look for a nice area to sit and have her pirate booty. She was actually quite curious on how this snack tasted. As she was gonna try this new anticipated snack a gush of wind blew. She tightly grabbed the pirate booty making sure it wouldn't fly in the air. As this was happening Mia's eyes locked with a dog walking by. The dog looked at her, her eyes showing war and battle. The leaves flew around them almost like both of them were in the spotlight of a play. The sun setting makes red and orange mixed together illuminating both of their eyes.

As the wind stopped blowing they both looked away. The dog soon ran away leaving behind a collar that fell on the ground. Mia got up and dropped the pirate booty not caring of the mess she would make. Mia kneeled down and saw the collar, the collar saying lucas. She grabbed it and immediately put it in her pocket. She gave a sigh. As a mafia boss she knew that dog was trouble. The dog's eyes were signaling her about wanting to have war with her. Mia wasn't afraid though she wouldn't back down. Another huge wind blew as Mia stayed still. The sky was now dark and she decided it was time to go home. " what is cutesy like you standing alone at the park".

Mia stood up and saw the same guy from the market look at her, his eyes filled with lust but then soon to be taken over by a red tint. Mia's eyes widened, was he a demon? Mia felt herself falling all over for this guy again. "May I kidnap you, my future wife" the man purred. " first tell me your name and second why is a hot hunk like you working in this filthy place?". The man gave a small laugh. "My name is Billy Milky Benjamin but you can just call me Billy because you're special. I'm a mafia boss and a demon. I just work here because I was quite bored and wanted to mess with these disgusting humans. Oh yeah, I'm also an atheist. I just wear these cross earrings because they look cool and trendy." he said winking.

Mia couldn't believe what the man said she had officially fallen in love with him. Mia turned around and grabbed both his hands, both of their faces filled with blushes. "Yes please kidnap me, let's have a beautiful life together forever". "Yes my love we shall have lots of fun together and I shall propose to you, now let's go to my white van".

Mia and Billy milky Benjamin both walked to the van. Billy milky Benjamin then drove Mia to his beautiful rich mansion. Mia texted her main servant to tell them that she won't be going home. The servant replied with a thumbs up emoji. Mia stared at her new lover in awe but soon turned back to the window. She then looked down and took the collar out of her pocket and sighed.

" What should I do?"

Happy birthday to Mia 😍😘🎉🎊🍾🥳🍻👏🎈🎁🙌🥂🪅

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