Act 2: Callings of war

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Lucas ran fast, the wind blowing in her black fur. She had to get to the closest pharmacy and get her pills that controlled her diabetes. As Lucas ran she remembered giving a look of war to the girl at the park. This girl was none other than Mia Chaves.

Mia was well known throughout the whole world, being a Mafia boss and hella rich it was no surprise. Lucas wasn't wealthy like Mia but she did have a friend who was. Lucas finally arrived at the closest 24/7 pharmacy which took a couple of hours.

She looked at the clock and saw it was 1:00 am. It has officially been one day since she's declared a huge war. Lucas looked outside the window and saw it was raining. She got her pills from the pharmacist who put it in a bag and booked it out. As Lucas kept running she spotted a white van going straight her way. She ran to the side of the road and fell, splashing in the mud.

She saw the van zoom away. Lucas widened her eyes, the pills that were inside of the paper bag slipped out of her mouth. The bag fell down the steep hill hitting rocks in the process. Lucas let out a cry. She would have to get those pills before her diabetes starts getting out of control. Lucas slowly went down the hill and the rain poured harder. Slowly by slowly she went down every rock until her foot slipped.

She let out a yelp and fell down on her back roughly. She was now all the way at the bottom of the hill. She got up and let out a groan. Her back was in so much pain. Lucas turned around and saw the huge woods. She gave a smile when she remembered where she was. Her rich bestie Fluffy lived around here. Lucas munched on the paper bag with her and zoomed away. She briefly remembered these parts of the woods. 5 hours passed and it was now 6:17.

Lucas finally made it to her bestie's palace. She tiredly went to the door and was greeted with 40 security guards patrolling the area. All the security guards knew who Lucas was so they greeted her with lots of kindness. One of them gently opened the door and let Lucas inside the huge expensive palace. "Oh Lucas it's you!". Lucas looked up and saw her bestie Fluffy sliding down on the rallings. This action made Lucas' heart flutter. " Why have you come to my palace?"Fluffy asked with a curious tone. "Fluffy, I need your money". "Why?" she questioned back. " I have started a huge war with Mia, the most well known mafia boss." Fluffy gave a gasp. "Oh no" she whimpered.

Let's go to my room and make a plan. Lucas nodded. The doggys both ran up the stairs like they were flash. They both finally made it to fluffys beautiful room. The place was filled with jewels and expensive things people would only wish they had, she wasn't as rich as Mia but she did have a luxury people were jealous of.

"Ok Lucas, what type of weapons do you want?" Fluffy questions. "We'll need lots of guns, ohh and also knives for the warriors just in case it's close combat." Fluffy nodded and added it to the basket on amazon prime." We'll also need weapons for ourselves to fight, we're not pussys " Fluffy adimited.

Lucas gave a gulp but nodded not wanting to disappoint her long childhood crush. After ordering all their weapons for the huge war they thought it was time to create a plan. They talked for hours trying to create a perfect impression. " Wait, I have an idea," Lucas said with excitement. "What is it?" Fluffy said. "You have an invisible helicopter right?".

"Yes I do," Fluffy said, her eyebrow going up a little bit. "We should invade when she's busy or something." "OMG LUCAS YOU'RE SO SMART" Fluffy jumped up and down. She kissed Lucas on the cheek, Lucas realized this and soon began to blush like crazy. "Oh I'm sorry I couldn't contain myself" Fluffy chuckled.

They both then locked eyes, not even needing to blink. Soon both of them heard the door open. They looked at the direction of the noise and saw a maid walk in with two beverages of Tequila and a bottle. "Here are your drinks Miss Fluffy." "Thanks, now take your leave". The women bowed and left Fluffy's room . Fluffy passed a drink to Lucas. Lucas' eyes fell to the drink and then back to Fluffy. " Fluffy I don't drink!" Lucas nervously said.

"Awww come one little doggy lets enjoy our time together before we get serious tomorrow~" Fluffy cooed. Lucas gulped but she drank the tequila anyways. She didn't want to embarrass herself even more in front of Fluffy. Like Fluffy said they drank the whole night to their heart's content.

They drank with no care in the world, not giving a care of the war that was gonna be unleashed the next day. Lucas touched her neck since it started hurting, she felt something gone. Was it her leash!? Lucas just shrugged it off. "Eh whatever, I can just buy another one at the store." However Lucas forgot the deeper meaning of that leash and why she never wanted to lose it.

Of course the alcohol she was drinking wasn't helping either....


Thanks for reading loves 😍🤪😘🤒😳😏

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