ACT 3: The grand battle

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  Billy Milky Benjamin was becoming fidgety; he was becoming real nervous as he waited for his future wife to arrive. Soon a limbo came to the cemetery and parked on one of the graves. Samantha got up from her seat and ran to the limbo. She gently opened the car's door and there came Mia with her beautiful black dress and her companion Aylin. They both were holding fans that covered their faces. Wendy turned around and saw them. She suddenly got a huge urge to twerk so she did. Mia walked beside her 3 friends, all the people looked at her with smiles on their faces. Mia then made eye contact with Billy Milky Benjamin, both of their faces filled with a light pink coat. Mia grabbed Wendy's hand and they both walked the path to her husband.

They both walked dramatically, slow motion and everything. Their hair blew in the wind like them cover girl commercials. Billy Milky Benjamin stood up tall, his chest puffing out. Aylin and Samantha stared in awe as they saw their friends moving on in life. Everyone clapped extremely excited for this couple to get together. Mia let go of Wendy's hand as she made it to where Billy Milky Benjamin was. Mia looked back and saw her best friend give her a wink. Mia got on the dead's person's grave next to Billy Milky Benjamin.

They both then holded each other's hands. They were both atheist but they still made a priest come and give them their blessing. "On this special occasion we would like to celebrate Mr Billy and Mrs Mia's wedding day". The crowd cheered. " Even if they are atheist, '' the priest said. "At least they arent homosexuals" he commented again.

Mia and Billy Milky Benjamin gave him a look but brushed it off. "Billy Milky Benjamin, do you take Mia as your wife, will you always support her in her choices, will you let her rule the world and the universe as a rich Mafia boss." "I do," Billy Milky Benjamin said. "Ok, Mia, do you take Billy Milky Benjamin as your husband, will you take care of him and protect him from danger, will you also protect his secret of being a demon?" The priest said. "I do".You two can kiss, I guess." The crowd cheered and clapped. Samantha, Aylin and Wendy started Roblox break dancing on the ground.

As Mia was gonna kiss Billy Milky Benjamin they heard a "I OBJECT" The crowd gasped and looked at the direction of the noise. It was Maya!? " I OBJECT I REPEAT." A gust of wind flew, making crows fly from the trees there feathers going all over the place. " MIA AM PREGNANT WITH YOUR CHILD." Mia gave a gasp "what!" That can't be!" "I can't let this wedding happen! Selah you know what to do!" Mia looked up and saw a figure fly through the clouds going straight down to where Maya was ''Yes boss" Selah said she pressed a huge red button on a remote. There was a sound of a helicopter coming by. Everyone looked around but they couldn't seem to spot where it was. BOOM a bomb exploded making the ground shake, the people screamed and kids gave cries. Mia looks up and spots 2 dogs jump off.

Both of the dogs take out their lazer guns and start shooting. Mia's eyes widened, though she holded a smirk. Mia took out a big shield and protected her and Billy Milky Benjamin. She took the shield away from her sight and saw dead bodies everywhere. She looked up and saw the dogs gliding away with parachutes. "Benjamin, go with my friends, they'll take you somewhere safe" Mia yelled. Billy Milky Benjamin nodded and ran to where the others were. The car Wendy had was destroyed sadly but she didn't care. Wendy started spinning and transformed into a transformer carrying the others and Billy milky Benjamin away from the huge destruction.

Maya you can't let them get away shouted Lucas. Maya nodded and turned into a sonic chasing after Wendy and the others. Mia was gonna go help but was blasted with a bomb. Mia dogged it jumping in the air like spiderman. She took out guns and shot the two dogs' parachutes making them fall down. Fluffy threw a pillow at the ground and grabbed Lucas' paw making them land on it and leap towards the air where Mia was. They started karate chopping at each other all 3 of them were going fast like flash. Until... Mia hit one of Fluffy's weak spots, making her fall to the ground. Lucas' eyes widened. FLUFFY!!!!

Maya (sonic) ran fast in the wind trying to catch up to Wendy (transformer) She finally jumped on Wendy's hand and captured Billy Milky Benjamin. Samantha and Aylin screamed a bloody scream. Wendy couldn't believe it. Maya jumped off her hand and to the ground of the dark foggy rainforest. When she got there she threw Billy Milky Benjamin to the ground. He looked extremely scared. Do-don't mess with my I'm a demon he stuttered. Maya chuckled. "Oh you're so silly" Maya transformed back to her original form and grabbed a knife out of her jeans. This was the end of Billy Milky Benjamin.

He closed his eyes and thought of the beautiful memories he's made with Mia, His beautiful wife he met 2 days ago. Blood ran down his neck as his head fell off his body and to the crusty ass mother fucking ground. Maya chuckled, "mission success". She then got squashed by a big ass foot. Wendy chuckled "oopsie she said".

Mia felt a part of her disappear. Billy Milky Benjamin was dead, her heart ached but she didn't have time to grieve. "Fluffy wake up!" Lucas cried out. Mia's eyes darkened and she walked slowly to where Lucas was. Lucas was frozen, she couldn't move. Fear was all over her body head to paw. Lucas cried out , "spare me" she said, no she pleaded. Fluffy kept pleading until she felt a source of power around her. Mia also felt it in her pocket. She took it out and saw the collar she picked up 2 days ago. Lucas' eyes widened "wait- that's my collar" "yes you dropped it you dumbass" Mia sassed at Lucas.

The collar was glowing extremely bright. "GIVE IT BACK" Lucas said she finally remembered the power that surrounded that collar. Mia gave a smirk,  "I'm sorry but I think I'll keep it all for myself". Lucas gave a big gulp. Mia put the collar on and she transformed into a gray wolf, her eyes were red. She was the alpha. Lucas couldn't believe her eyes. " This is the end of you," Mia said. Lucas closed her eyes and slash it was over. Mia transformed back, taking the collar in her hand. The collar changed into Mia instead of Lucas. A gust of wind blew her direction, the war was over, she won like always. No one can beat Queen Mia ever...
                    The End


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