Chapter 3|| Wher all the burnouts used to sit

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It's a drowsy morning and I'm the first one awake I don't bother getting anyone else up because it's still early and there's nothing really to do. I walk up to the counter and turn on the coffee maker, its and "older model" probably from the 70's but hey it makes coffee. I take my mug outside and wipe the water off my chair and sit down. I watch the sun rise and see the beautiful Rays of colour dancing around the sky. I start thinking about Carter and her letter and the scariest thoughts run through my mind, what if her mom knew, she knew where we were, she knew what Carter did, she knew that we were all running and she was coming for us. I stand up really fast and almost spill my coffee that's not what is going to happen I assure myself but I can't help but think we are in trouble. So I run inside and lift up my mattress making sure to keep quiet Enough that no one else hears me. I grab out a torn up note book and grab a pen off the kitchen counter.
I run back outside and Pop the cap off the pen. I flip far in through the notebook and see pages I haven't written on in years and see the pencil in the words slowly starting to fade away. I finally find a page mostly voided of doodles and useless quotes that don't apply to real life at all and begin writing.

I can't keep it in it's been 4years and I've told no one I'm 19 years old and I've been hiding away not sharing anything with anyone. I did something bad and I can't run away from it. I don't regret it because running from it made me stronger but I know that if I hadn't done it my life would have been so much easier. I could still be back home in Ontario, living with my family. But its k I did it and now we are moving on I tried to be all sentimental about this but it's no good so I take the notebook and throw it in the fire pit and walk inside, I get in and Dallas and Carter are awake. Dallas is making breakfast I sit down at the table unit and she plops a bowl in front of me and pours half of the milk carton into my bowl.
"Where's the cereal?" I ask
"Milk first" Dallas says
"What" I say utterly confused as she pours a scary amount of knock off Cheerios into the milk. A few tumble off the top and land on the table and even more fall as she digs the spoon into the side. Carter sits down carefully trying not to knock off any more. Dallas makes her up a bowl while I eat my mountain of breakfast cereal. I throw my dishes in the sink and bubbles fly on to Dallas's head I laugh as I walk quickly over to the bathroom. I do my makeup and pick put some clothes I go through the clean clothes and manage to find a baggy sweater that says nightmares on it. I got it back in Canada a while ago. and a pair of denim shorts. I throw my hair back up in a messy bun because I don't have the energy to shower. I go and sit outside and eventually Dallas and Carter join me. we decide to go for a walk to the pool, so we go inside and get some bathing suits I grab three and throw them in my bag. then we all start walking down the road half way there we walk past the soccer field and stop to watch. we climb up onto the bench just as the whistle blows. we watch the boys walk off the field and I notice who it is as they walk towards us. Damn, you don't see a guys for years and then you see him 3 times in a week. It's Alex. I duck my head and walk away as Dallas and Carter follow me. We climb under the bench and sit for a while. it reminds me of high school. All the burn outs used to sit under the benches by the field smoking dope.
After a couple minutes of hiding under the benches some people are walk up. we quiet down and hope they don't see us but then 4 guys walk under the bench and see us.
"Go talk to them" I hear one of them say to the other, I can't tell who he said it to because they are in the back but then they walk out and I see Alex, I scrunch back behind Carter and then the other guys introduce themselves.
"I'm hunter" says the one with dark brown hair, "this is Brandon" he says pointing to the blonde, "this is nick" he says referring to the brown haired one "and lastly we have..."
"Alex" I say cutting him off. and I immediately regret it.
"I guess you two know each other then" hunter says.
"Uh ya" Alex says
"Well we were just going to the pool if you guys wanted to come" Dallas says in a flirty voice.
"Ya sure" Brandon says
"I gotta go" says nick and we all wave bye as he walks away.
We all walk away from the field and towards the pool once we get there the three of us go get changed. we all walk out in our bikinis and i swear I saw Brandon checking Dallas out. it kinda makes me happy considering none of us have had boyfriends since we moved here to San Fransisco. we walk up to the pool and I look down at the water and all of a sudden someone pushes me from behind I turn and see Alex, and as I fall I scream and see him smirk. we all swim for about an hour before we decide to start walking home. I throw my shorts on and an extra tank top I had in my purse over top of my bathing suit.
"Hey, umm I was gonna go hang out with Brandon if that's ok" Dallas says to me.
"Of course bitch have a blast" I say pushing her out the door and right into brandon.
Carter, Hunter, Alex and I start walking in the direction of our trailer. we talk most of the way there until Alex and Hunter say they have to leave. we say bye as they walk away and I have to say that was probably the best day I've had so far here.

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