Yay. This again.

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"Ugh." I said as I turned off my alarm I had set on my phone.

Great. Another day in this dreadful life I live. How lovely right? Dreading and hating everything about your life at every second of everyday? It's the best! Now we all know that's a lie.

There's only two good things I have in life though. My dog Oli and Chris. My best friend. Chris is my best friend yeah but I haven't seen him in for ever. After him, Matt, and Nick all dropped out and moved to L.A. I've never been more alone. Ever.

Chris and I are still in touch but we don't talk alot. I talked to Nick the most. So scratch that. The only good things I have in life is my dog Oli and my best friend Nick. Nick Sturniolo.

A little run down on my life

My name is Sophia. Sophia Cambridge. I'm 17 years old my birthday is in 2 months. I'm a senior in highschool my best friends a set of triplets Chris, Nick, and Matt dropped our last year and moved to LA in March of 2021. It's now April of 2022 and oh has it been a shit show. My life was never great, well my life has only ever been alright not even good. My dad is a drunk never home. I don't even care if he's home or not anymore. My mom only works. She's currently cheating on my dad. Again. But like can you even blame her? My dad has had countless affairs and is never even sober. I don't blame her. I've always been depressed. Ever since I was 9 years old when my older brother died in a car accident. And ever since that I was known as the depressed girl. Only ever known as the depressed girl, the girls who's brother died, some people even say he killed himself I don't have any idea why they say that of any of the ways he died but I remember in 5th grade the years after my brothers death I met the boys who made me feel good for once, my best friends. The triplets. Ever since 5th grade we were all like 4 peas in a pod. As the years went on me and Chris were a thing for a long while, since the 8th grade. On and off talking stages with eachother, constant flirting. And one day, Tuesday December 29th 2020 I was on my way to ask Chris to be my boyfriend but that's when I saw Matt as I walked up to the door. He was crying, it was a mix of happy and sad tears. I talked to him and found out that him and his brothers were moving to LA and it hit me. I can't do long distance. I can't handle that. And I wouldn't have the money to go and visit LA from Boston, Massachusetts. It wouldn't work. So I didn't ask Chris. I went home after talking to Matt. I went home and cried. I didn't answer any calls, any messages. I ignored them, especially the ones from Chris. Did I feel bad? Absofuckinglutely. But it was for the best. Right? Just stay friends. Enough of this shit let's start.


I got up, got dressed into black sweats and a light blue Nike zip up hoodie. It was Chris' he has given it to me before he left. After I got dressed I lazily brushed my teeth and hair throwing it up into a messy bun then putting on my glasses. I don't have to wear them so I only wear them when I feel like it. I was ready and headed off on my 15 minute walk to school.

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