Cant wait.

292 6 3

Chris' POV

It's been one week since I asked Sophia to be my girlfriend. And after her rant and now knowing how she feels about life, it hurt me, not being able to be there, I'm now with her to comfort her. And not being there when she's going through all that. At least now she's my girlfriend. God I'm lucky to be saying that Lordy.

*Beep* *beep*

"Mmm" I groaned. I had to get up early today, for reasons of a sort.

Alright I'm just gonna cut to the chase. I'm refunding my plane ticket. Why? Well I'm buying another one. One for me to go to two days. My mom is taking me to go refund and get it. She's gonna help me come up with a way to tell Sophia why I won't answer her for like 7 fucking hours. But I had to get up early to do it because of the time difference shes 3 hours ahead so, right now it's 9 something and she gets up at 10 on Saturdays.


Chris are you up?
read. 6:33a.m.

Yeah I'm up

Let's get some pep in your
step c'mon!!!

Yeah yeah

I mean it Chris! Let's go!
read. 6:35a.m.

Miss Crystal

Hey Crystal
read. 6:39p.m.

Hi Christopher

i'm buying my new ticket

what day you want me to
be there?

I could care less. It's up to
you since you'll be home
alone for only about 2 hours
1 1/2 with Soph's new schedule
with school. Just let me know!
read. 6:42p.m.

Alright ill let you know
read. 6:42p.m.

Okay, now all that's sorted. I told my mom about what Crystal had said and she said we can get a ticket for me to leave in two days. I literally cant wait.


"Chris?" My mom said. She's probably ready.

"Yeah?" I answered opening my door while putting one of my 'Ransome' hoodies.

"Let's go!" She said clapping and smiling. She's excited for me to meet her. She hasn't stopped talking about how after she graduates she wants her to fly back with me, Matt, and and Nick so she can see her.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm ready let's go." I said fixing my shirt under my hoodie. My fir was really nice, red and black Christmas pajama pants and my grey Ransome hoodie.

After about a 20 minute drive we arrived at the airport. My mom had told them what needed to happen with the tickets. The guy refunded ot the ticket and I bought the one for two days. Now we're done, heading home and I gotta go pack now!

"Oh my goodness mom! I'm gonna be with the girl I'm inlove with for like a whole moth and a half!" I said excitedly, clapping my hands together with a smile on my face.

"The girl you're inlove with, huh?" She giggled at me.

"Yeah mom. The girl I'm inlove with. I really am." I looked at her.

"I know you are. I've always known you loved her but never that you were inlove with her. But I'm extremely happy for you and her chris. I am." She told me.

"Thank you mom!" I side hugged her while got closer to the car.

We got in the car, went to McDonald's for a quick breakfast, and then went home and I got Nick and Matt up to start helping me pack. It's no lie I'm gonna miss them two while I'm gone for almost a whole month without them.

*Ring* *ring* My phone rang, looking at it I saw it was Sophie calling since I had hung up with her to go to the airport.

Incoming facetime from
My sweet girl:)

"Hey baby!" I answered as I walked out of my bedroom to the living room.

"Hi!" She replied in a sleepy voice.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked, I was very happy from this morning.

"Meh.." She answered. She's even more sad than last night. God. Two days couldn't move any slower.

"You okay sweet girl?" I asked. I knew the answer, and it's no. She's not. She's going into another depression. And I feel absolutely terrible I can't be there to help in real life.

"You know what I'm gonna say.."She let out a sigh.

"Yeah, I do." I said.

"Chris.." She started, rubbing her face.

"Mhm?" I answered looking back to her from my TV.

"Help me. Please. Please help me Chris. I don't know what I'm doing or what I need to do." She cried.

I hate seeing her cry. The nights she's call me asking to come over and crying in my arms always broke me. I feel so bad.

"I will. I will baby. 17 more days. 17 and I'm there for you. I always will be." I said, "I'm so sorry you're going through this babe. I really am Soph." I finished.

"Thank you. I'm gonna just lay down and watch some movies. You wanna watch a movie with me?" She sniffled wiping her nose.

"Of course Soph!" I said, smiling at her. Only a corner of her lip lifted for for very slight, small smile.

Man. Two days until I can make sure she's okay. Two days until I can hug her. Two days till I can kiss her and tell her I'm right there. God. Two fucking long ass days.

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