Youre kidding?

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Alright. Time skip here. It's been about a month and a half of Chris and I running it back. Again. And we decided about a week into the facetimes and everything that we were in a talking stage. I was very happy about that. It is now May 24th and that mean 18 more days till my birthday on June 10th, then also meaning 21 days until I graduate!

Chris has been acting like he's up to sometimes lately. One thing I know is that he's going to send me somthing for my birthday. He's been asking me about what I like. Like the kid asked me what texture blanket I like, I was not mad for him to ask that because no body like the blankets that have the fuzzy stuff that rips your skin. People lile soft, fluffy, and comfortable blankets.

Having that he's also been filming and doing sponsors and having fun I can tell. But with him having all his fun, I haven't been having as much fun. Well no fun at all. I started not eating. Again. Matt had posted this picture of him, Chris, Nick, Madi, and some other girl. I don't know who she is but goodness let me tell you she was stunning. She was fucking perfect for crying out loud. She was beautiful, great smile, and obviously what pointed out the most to me was that she was pretty. She was skinny, like she has a small waist, and she had the perfect body. One I could only dream for. I work out, I have a little six pack and you could say I'm average in size not big but not small but she was perfect. She had small waist, pretty face, perfect nose, great smile, from what I saw she dressed nice, and she wasn't flat. I sat and compared myself to her for about 4 days. Again with his fun we haven't had long facetimes just the ones at night so I can sleep. I finally got fully moved in with my mom too.

Incoming call from Chris<3

I answered. I thought he would have been busy not wanting to call me.

"Hey beautiful!" He said smiling as I answered the call.

"Hi sweet boy!" I said tiredly as I had just woken up from a nap. Its 8:47p.m., 5:47p.m. for Chris.

"Sorry did I wake you?" He said giggling a bit. He seemed excited and happy.

"Yeah it's okay though." I mumbled, sitting up to rub my face.

"Whacha doin?" He asked, as I got up from my bed without grabbing my phone.

"Nothing just going to wash my face." I said.

"Won't take long will it?" He asked.

"No like 5 minutes." I answered.

"Oh okay!" He jumped with happiness.

Why is he so excited. Oh lord maybe its him being happy with that girl and breaking it off with me. Oh no. Oh no, no, no. He wouldn't do that? Does he like her? Oh Lord.

I was stressing thinking of the worst as a rinsed my face. Once I had walked back to my bed to sit at talking to Chris I hadn't realized I was shaking. Chris did though.

"Hey you okay there?" He asked in a worried voice.

"Hmm? Oh...yeah, yeah no I'm fine, yeah!" I answered rubbing my legs and calming the shaking.

"I have some very exciting news for you!" He said with a bright smile lighting up his perfect face. His eyes were lit with joy.

"Whats up?" I asked with curiosity.

"So your birthday and graduation are like 3 days apart?" He said more as a statement than a question.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Well we bought me, Matt, and Nick tickets to Boston!" He said.

"Oh my goodness!" I shouted. "Nuh huh! You're kidding?!" I shouted again.

"No not kidding you! Seeing you in 18 days!" He said.

"Oh I have to let my mom know!" I said picking my phone up about to leave my room.

"No need, she already knows!" Chris said. "I'm gonna be staying with you at your house if.." He paused. Why did he pause?

"If what Chris?" I asked laughing.

"I could stay with you, at your house, IF, you would be my girlfriend?" He asked.

Oh my Jesus, take the wheel! Yes! YES! Oh my Lord! Yes!

"Yes!! Yes of course I will be your girlfriend Chris!" I said. Yes! Finally.

"Yeah?!" He said.

"Absalutly!" I said, "Oh my goodness." I said running my hands through my hair.

"I can't wait to see your face in person again." He said looking at me with a huge smile.

"Me either. I could really use one of your hugs sooner though." I said.

"Why sooner? You okay sweet girl?" He asks looking at me concerned, grabbing the phone to his face.

" Yeah, no. I'm not, just a lot of shit lately." I shrugged off.

"Hey talk to me." He said.

"Well like, Krissy she went ghost mode on me after she got her boyfriend like 7 months ago, leaving my dad all alone, you, Oli, your brothers, and my mom being the only reason I'm the slightest bit happy. And school, people still don't know how to shut the hell up about my brother or how you guys left and that I now have no friends and it all just so shit and I just-" I ranted, stopping at the end, balling.

"Oh my God, Sophie, baby. Ahh I wanna hug you sooner now. I promise when I'm there I will hug you forever. I promise." He said his eyes tearing up a little.

"I'm sorry Chris, that was so dramatic, I'm so stupid oh my Lord." I said wiping my eyes and flipping the phone to the ceiling.

"No, no, no. Sophie flip the camera back please! Oh no, it's okay Soph. It's how you feel. And I'm so sorry you feel that way. I will never leave your side while I'm there. I promise you." He said, "God I want to just hug you so bad oh my lord." He continued on.

"I'm gonna- head back to sleep." I said sniffling.

"Yeah okay, set up the phone I'll go mute." Chris said to me holding his phone.

"No, don't go mute, tell me how your day was." I said laying my head down.

"Oh, alright, um my day was okay, me and Matt went shopping together, Nick was with Chloe. My mom got Trevor these new toys and he literally loves them its the cutest thing seeing him play with them." He laughed.

Chrispys POV

After telling her about my day I realized she was asleep.

"Goodnight, my sweet girl. You deserve the world. Sleep well." I said looking at her through my phone. I saw her smile.

"Goodnighy sweet boy, thank you." She said tiredly.

I just smiled. Why couldn't I have had the balls to ask her out years ago.

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