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Now Ima be completely honest... I forgot all about this😭. I've been busyyyy

Did y'all know that boy that looked like yb and always acted like him got shot yesterday?.. He was found dead on the side of the road. Prayers for his family.

And I knew colas baby was ybs from the jump that baby looked dead on him🤣 and everybody ain't wanna believe it

Was he fucking her when he was fucking Jaz? Their babies can't be that far apart. I think KJ looks like yayas side of the family! He's adorable 🥰 makes me wanna have one. 🤣

Otf or NBA


I ain't never liked durks music fr idk😭 I've alwayssss been like that

My man Is on house arrest☹️

But without further ado, I present to you another chapter of

the surrogate


"What you doing round these parts?" a country white man asked me from his truck which sat in the middle of the road

"I don't know where I am..." I admitted holding my stomach

I kept having pains and the children weren't due yet.

"Do you need a ride somewhere? You have any family you would like to call?" he asked putting his truck into park

"Umm, where's the nearest motel?" I asked politely

I didn't want to give this man any information. Seeing as I didn't know where I was and he could be a serial killer.

"Listen, my wife and I would be glad to let you stay for a night. As long as you can be gone by the morning," he added spitting onto the ground from his window

I paused and waited for what he had to say next

"I'm not going to hurt ya. My house is right around the corner, I'll even let you see my id if that makes you more comfortable," he explained reaching for what I'm guessing was his wallet

I had started walking from where I was left. I was in the middle of nowhere with nothing. Surrounded by trees and fences

"Yeah, let me see that," I added waiting for him to pull it out

"Here," he exclaimed holding it out for me to see. "You want my licenses and registration also?" he said in a jokingly manner

I side-eyed him while he chuckled

"Get on in I ain't gon bite. My wife loves company, I'll call her to let her know where on the way." he declared while I walked to the passenger side of his truck to get in

"I hope you aren't a serial killer," I mumbled making him laugh

"Naw, I could never. Don't have the guts. Whatchu doing out here anyway? Don't look like a type of gal to be out here. No offense but you look pregnant." he said pulling off from where he had stopped

"I am and I'm just traveling. Starting a new life..."

"You running from something?" he asked looking over towards me

I didn't acknowledge his questions I just looked out the window and gazed at the trees passing by.

I guess he sensed that he was asking too many questions, so instead of saying anything else he turned up his country music.

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