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Chapter 6

The siblings returned home with these pears, but the cousins ​​disappeared, and Cheng Yue sneaked into the kitchen.

The kitchen is very clean, don't get me wrong, this clean refers not to the environment, but to the food. All the food was pinched by Grandma Cheng and locked in the cabinet.

Cheng Yue simply didn't need food, so she washed the pears with water, cut them into small pieces with a knife, and simmered them in water.

That's right, since you can't eat alone, you can't let others eat alone!

Cheng Yue's idea is crude but useful. Since he can't monopolize it, he should also get a share of the pie.

Slowly simmer, add a few grains of rock sugar, and it becomes a nourishing product: rock sugar Sydney...stop! No rock candy here, no Sydney!

Although there is no rock sugar Sydney, the wild pears boiled in white water are also very good.

Pour the wild pear water into a large kettle, and then called Cheng Weijun: "Take the bowl, let's go!" The sister and brother were about to go out when the door of the next room opened, it was the daughter of the third uncle's family Cheng Hongyan: " What are you holding in your hands?"

Cheng Yue's face didn't change: "Water for grandma's cooking."

"Just water? What is there to cook with.?" The second child, Cheng Hongyan, was a little suspicious and wanted to go up and take a look.

"Yeah, Sister Hongyan, please let it go, this pot is very hot!" As he spoke, he looked like he was about to pour it.

Cheng Hongyan hurried to the side when she heard the words, and Cheng Yue took the opportunity to take her younger brother out immediately.

Cheng Hongyan looked at their backs with a hint of doubt, is it really boiled water? But she clearly smelled a sweet smell, but it was impossible. All the sugar in the family was given to them by milk, and the two children of the fourth uncle's family definitely didn't have it!

Thinking like this, Cheng Hongyan returned to the room.

On the other side, Cheng Yue, who was finally fooled, walked towards the field with Cheng Weijun, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and calmed down the disturbed breath caused by exercise.

"Sister, why are we hiding from Sister Hongyan?" Cheng Weijun asked quietly.

Cheng Yue glanced at him, this child is still too innocent...

"You think, we cooked this for grandparents and parents, that's all, what would you do if Sister Hongyan saw it and came to us? If you give her grandma and parents, it will be gone." Cheng Yue explained.

In fact, the real reason is that she wants to use these favors...

Although these efforts have limited effect, they are better than doing nothing at all.

Cheng Weijun nodded solemnly, and he remembered one thing: Don't let people know, or parents won't have to drink.

When the two of them arrived at the field, the housekeepers gathered together in twos and threes to peel the corn.

The autumn harvest has already passed, the rice piles in the paddy fields have already been cleaned up, and the grain has been packed and put into the granary, so the work is not heavy now. At this moment, someone saw two small radishes walking towards this side. head.

"Hey, isn't that your Ya'er and Wei Jun?" A thin woman beside Grandma Cheng touched her arm and pointed over there.

Grandma Cheng took a closer look, it wasn't the two little guys.

Cheng Yue over there also noticed their eyes, so she called out sweetly in a small voice: "Master, milk!"

"What are you two doing?" Grandma Cheng saw the sister and brother sweating profusely, and their hands There was still a pot and bowl in it, and he asked suspiciously.

"Milk, we've brought you pear water, you've worked hard!"

"Pear water?"

"Yes, the wild pears that my brother and I picked in the woods are very sweet. I heard the third uncle say before. In autumn, we need to moisten...the lungs, yes! It's the lungs! Pear water is the best, so I picked pears with my younger brother and went back to cook them for you, milk, you can taste it."

After speaking, he poured out half a bowl and handed it over.

Grandma Cheng took it in a very complicated way, took a sip, the pear juice was sweet and refreshing, and all the fatigue and heat were taken away at once.

"Oh, your little granddaughter and grandson are really filial. It would be nice if the naughty bastards in my family were half sensible!" The thin woman on the side patted her knees.

"It's time to call the second grandma." Grandma Cheng couldn't hide the smile on her face, but she still held the children's courtesy.

"Hello, second grandma." Cheng Yue and Cheng Weijun shouted together.

"Hey, how are you." The second grandmother's skinny wrinkled face became even more wrinkled with a smile.

This second grandmother is not a relative of their family, of course there is some kind of relationship, but it is far away, but she usually shouts like this, which makes her seem close.

"Grandma, then you rest first, and we'll send it to Grandpa."

"Go." Grandma Cheng watched them leave with satisfaction.

Grandpa Cheng has seen the movement here for a long time, and it is not new to see them coming, but he also has a rare smile: "Go back when you're done, don't leave it in the sun."

Although it is blunt, it is He was unusually gentle.

In this way, the two sent them over in order, and successfully achieved two goals: one, to build goodwill; two, to let parents drink pear water too.

The satisfied two men went back to their house, and after they left, everyone who was peeling the corn also discussed it with a lot of talk.

"Hey, they are both raised the same way, how can you two be so distressed by the two of you? It's true that people are more dead than others, and they have to be thrown away!"

Who knows about the wild pear trees in this forest Ah, it's just that the adults have a tacit understanding to leave it to the children, let them play it as a fun, and they can sweeten their mouths.

"You're still lucky..."

Grandpa Cheng and Grandma Cheng listened to everyone's discussion and compliments, and their hearts were also happy, and they had to pretend to be calm: "What do children know, they will be sensible when they grow up." If it weren't for the smile on the corner of their mouths Having betrayed his heart, this sentence may be a little more convincing.

That night, Grandpa Cheng and Grandma Cheng cared about Cheng Yue's body for the first time, and it was obvious that it was useful to have good feelings.

After eating and washing up, Cheng Yue and Cheng Weijun waited for Cheng Qingze and Tong Yuefen in the room, and as soon as they came in, they couldn't wait to drag them inside.

"What are you doing so sneakily?"

"Mom, look." Cheng Weijun secretly took out the duck egg and held it to her and Cheng Qingze like a treasure.

"Where did this come from?" Tong Yuefen was very surprised.

Cheng Weijun got stuck, and his expression was no longer as excited as before, "We picked it up..."

Tong Yuefen's expression immediately became serious when she heard the words: "Are you running to the river again? I also wondered if you went to pick pears. I ran to the river, but I didn't expect you to actually go!"

Seeing that things were not going well, Cheng Yue hurriedly said, "Mom, don't be angry, it took me a long time to ask my brother to accompany me, but you Don't worry, we didn't go into the water, we just walked on the side."

Tong Yuefen looked at her daughter's poor little expression, she was still distressed, but she was still angry, so she stretched out her finger and poked each of them on the forehead: " You all know how angry you are!"

Cheng Qingze had been listening beside him, and then he also said: "Your mother is also for your own good, so many people drowned in the river, why don't you have a long memory?"

"Dad , Mom, I was wrong, if I want to go there in the future, I will definitely tell you." After saying that, he handed them the egg, "I just

scalded it with hot water, eat it quickly, or it will get cold again." In this state, the couple swallowed the blame. The filial piety of the two children could not be let down.

"Eat, we're not hungry."

"My brother and I have eaten it a long time ago, and this is specially reserved for you." I

really can't beat them. After all, they ate them in two. Tong Yuefen's eyes were a little red when they ate, and they all blamed them for being useless. If you want to eat an egg, you can't do it, and they want them to feel sorry for themselves.

Thinking of this, I got angry again, and I got angry at Cheng Qingze again: "It's not that our family is too poor to open the pot, and the third sister-in-law and several children still have eggs to eat from time to time. Look at Yue Ya'er and Wei Jun!

" When you say it out loud, others praise you for being a good farmer, but what happens! You are more tired than a cow in the field, so what would you get?!"

Tears streamed down as he spoke.

"Keep your voice down, don't let your mother hear you." Cheng Qingze grimaced, not forgetting to instruct, and choked Tong Yuefen again.

"Listen to what you have to say? Who in our family didn't do the work, did we do the work?" Seeing her calm down, Cheng Qingze said again.

"Do you only have that bit of chicken intestines as an old lady? You can feel your conscience, how many children do we have in our family, and how many do we have in other rooms? It's nothing to do a little work, but if we are tired, we will be tired, don't we have children too? Do you want to follow us and be wronged?!"

Cheng Qingze was speechless now, just lowered his head silently.

Cheng Yue patted Cheng Weijun lightly, clutching her little arm tightly in fear. She didn't expect that it would cause a family disturbance if it was just an egg.

"Mom and dad, stop arguing!" Cheng Yue stepped forward, "It's all our fault, we shouldn't make you angry, stop arguing."

Tong Yuefen didn't want her daughter to see her tears, so she turned her face away , deliberately lowered his voice: "It's none of your business, let's go."

"Mom, don't be mad at Dad, he is a kind-hearted man. In the future, my brother and I will earn a lot of money and let our family live a good life. , make others jealous!"

Tong Yuefen laughed when she heard this: "You little girl has such a big tone!" She squinted at Cheng Qingze again, "But it's more promising than your father!"

Cheng Qingze wasn't annoyed either, and said with a smile, "It's my seed."

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and an impatient voice came through the door: "What's the trouble at night, why don't you let me? Are you asleep?!"

I heard the voice of the second aunt He Lijuan, everyone, look at me, I look at you, and finally closed her mouth, neatly cleaned up, and fell asleep.

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